10. Stole A Baby

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Paris / Ted Lasso out now!

"Bye Renly," Davina called out.

"Bye gorgeous see you tonight!" Renly called back. "Where is your man?"

"Waiting outside I hope." Davina answered.

"You found a good one." Renly realized.

"So did you. I love Loras when are you going to man up and ask him to move in with you?"

"Our families would flip if they knew." Renly corrected.

"Fuck them. Be happy." Davina instructed. "Ians gay and hes terrified to tell us."

"Kid hides it well." Renly agreed.

" I think he thinks no one knows." Davina remarked. " but I've known for forever. Of course, I pretend not to for his sake until he's ready."

"Like a good sister. My brothers are shitheads." Renly remarked.

"Yeah they are." Davina agreed. "See ya."

"There you are. I thought I missed you." Sandor remarked.

" I am so glad you are still here." Davina remarked collapsing into sandors car. " I worked a double or triple. I don't remember anymore. I've seen too much ass too many tits for one day- for one year -for a lifetime!" She decided.

"Stay over at my place tonight." he requested. Davina hesitated. " your sister's got the kids it's not even night more. It is 5:50 in the morning." he corrected. " we can stay in bed all morning."

" that does sound really nice." she agreed.

" the kids dont have school, nowhere they have to be. You don't have your second job this morning, right?" Sandor asked.

" OK." she agreed, and let him pull her into his arms.

"Yeah?" Sandor questioned picking her up.

"Yeah." She agreed. Happy that she wouldn't have to deal with the chaos That was her house for a few hours.

"Debbie, come in and eat your breakfast, okay?" Fiona remarked. "You're up next in the shower."

"I want to play for a while." Debbie corrected holding up her sack of potatoes she was pretending to be a doll. "Ask Carl if he'll come out and get in the stroller."

"The last time you asked Carl to play, you were locked in the basement for half a day." Fiona countered.

"That was on purpose. And we were playing "Loser Goes to Gitmo." Carl corrected.

"Let's go! And put that stroller back in the garbage." Fiona demanded. 

"Water heater is busted." Lip remarked and Fiona groaned.

"Anyone want to make some Tollhouse cookies with me?" Debbie questioned. 

"How much to replace it?" Fiona questioned.

"Uh, two bills used, four new."

"shit." Fiona agreed.

"How about a pie?" Debbie questioned. "I can get started on the crust."

"Go take your shower." Fiona corrected.

"I... wanna... make... pie." Debbie demanded.

"You know what? Hand me the obits." Lip remarked. "Maybe, uh, we can scrounge a dead person's water heater."

"Wheres dav?" Debbie questioned.

"Sleeping she just got in." Fiona remarked.

"I can I wake her up and we can bake cake!" Debbie decided as she ran towards the stairs, but Fiona grabbed her arm.

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