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a/n: hi! just wanna say to yall to stream svt's 'even if the world ends tomorrow', and be excited for todays gose ep!
tw: slight bullying and mentions of murder

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(p.s, theyre in mingyu's very nice cool super duper awesome big rich mansion, i made them have a sleepover cs why not)
the group of friends were astonished the next day. the people who bumped into woozi harshly while ice skating were.. dead? it was reported that they were killed silently in a dark abandoned hallway beside the mall at 2:06AM. they all suspected woozi for a while, but realised that he was with them the whole night.

chan eyed woozi. "hyung, you sure you didnt kill him?" woozi rolled his eyes, "chan, for the fifth time, i literally stayed up the whole night playing genshin with you." . "alright. just confirming..."

the police has been on the search for ever since it was on the news, which has been 19 hours.

"awh, what a coincidence." hoshi said, while staring at the television. some of the boys were weirded out by hoshi's reaction, since it wasnt usual for hoshi to react calmly to a dead person. they brushed it off, and hoshi sighed.

hoshi walked swiftly to the kitchen grabbing a fresh apple and biting into it. he went back to the living room and sat across woozi.

meanwhile, jeonghan followed hoshi to the kitchen to wash his hands for a while, he noticed a small blood-like stain on the other's plain white shirt.

'should i ask him about it?' jeonghan thought while eyeing hoshi's stained sleeve.

jeonghan walked back to the living room before hoshi did. he sat on the floor that was covered in blankets and pillows since some of them slept in the living room last night. he thought about the stain and whether to ask hoshi or not, in the end, he finally did.

"yah, hoshi, whats that blood stain on your sleeve? and why were you not here yesterday from midnight to 3am?" jeonghan asked, while getting the whole room's attention on hoshi. the rest of the friend group started fussing and suspecting him.

"oh, that? i got a nosebleed, and i was extremely hungry, and there was no food in the kitchen so i went to a twenty-four hour convenieance store."

they believed hoshi immediately, as if they were friends for nine years.

hoshi laid back on his soft chair and crossed his legs. he eyed woozi and smirked.

"no one will hurt you anymore, darling."


the boys decided to go to the new cafe that was just nearby, to spend more time together before the weekend ends. the cafe was like an all-you-can-do-with-your-lover place. you can sing karaoke, take pictures in selfie booths, buy ready-made foods, an indoor playground for children, a small library for bookworms, and much more. it was painted brown to match the coffee theme, decorated with vines and plants, and also had 2 levels.

as they entered, the sound of delicate bells were ringing. 'lean on me' by SEVENTEEN's hip-hop unit was played to fit the mood, and the smell of freshly baked goods were filled around the area. it was just fit for woozi's liking. calm, quiet, and peaceful.

all of them were searching for a table fit for the 13 of them, and fortunately they found one.

they sat on their places and ordered online through a QR code. once they got their orders, it was all sunshines and rainbows.

"mmm! chan, you should try this muffin! its so good!"

"hyung, please, please, pleasee call me dino! i dont like my uncool name!"

"seungkwan!! i swear stop touching my food! eat your own!"

"yo can someone order another plate of free bread?"

"oh my gosh! is this single ladies by queen beyonce?! ALL THE SINGLE LAD-"

woozi laughed at the happiness that his friends brought him. he wouldve never experienced this back in middle school. "be right back, im going to the toilet." woozi announced to the boys but only jeonghan responded.

woozi entered the toilet and washed his hands. he looked at the mirror to see his reflection of himself. wow. he changed a lot ever since what they did in middle school.

he was going to return back to his friends, until his wrist was pulled by a certain someone.

"look who it is! its the gay fag!" a voiced laughed out while pointing to woozi. "its been a while, hasnt it, jihoon? you thought changing schools could change your reputation? you're absolutely pathetic."

woozi held his breath. it was jisu, harin and yoon. his biggest bullies in middle school.

woozi tried his best to pull out of harin's grip, but failed miserably. harin just gripped on his wrist harder, making it look like woozi's blood wasn't circulating anymore. "oh, trying to escape now, are we?" harin exclaimed before pushing woozi hardly on to the wall. the three of them stood in front of woozi who was shaking and trying his best not to cry from the past memories.


the group of boys were having fun, but mingyu noticed woozi wasnt back for a while since hoshi looked tempting and scanning woozi's seat every five seconds.

"uhm, guys, is woozi back from the toilet yet?" mingyu asked loudly.

joshua stopped talking mid-way, and looked around. "right, he's been gone for about eight minutes. can someone go check up on him?" as soon as he finished his question, hoshi stood up eagerly and volunteered. "me! i'll go." he sprinted to the men's toilet to make sure woozi was doing fine,

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