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sadly, im skipping the continuation of the trip to due art block... but i promise yall this chapter is decent  🙏

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thankfully, the professors had decided to give the students a four day break, hoping it would recharge their energy from the trip. speaking of it, the trip was a blast with lots of students still chatting about it and some refusing to for god knows what.

when campus opened up its gates again, woozi lost the motivation to even step foot into its ground. the swimming activity had took a toll on him, even if he got to rest after that.

woozi makes his way sluggishly to the entrance of the building, walking slowly on purpose so he doesnt have to be infected by the bad campus air early in the morning. he focuses on his steps until his shoulder gets tapped. might be wonwoo, who knows.

"h-hello, you're lee woozi, right?" a familiar yet unfamiliar face speaks up, with hands trembling that woozi knows its nervousness. woozi tucks his hair behind his ear and flashes the other a bright smile. "yes, yes i am. may i know who you are?" he asks.

the boy's lips tremble but not because of the wind, but again because of nervousness. woozi giggles, "hey, no need to be scared or nervous. im not going to hurt you, kid." he jokes, patting the taller on the shoulder to let him know that he can talk freely.

"i-im kim ji-ae, the new j-junior in campus." ji-ae stutters, smiling that he was able to talk without worrying about anything. woozi lets out an 'ohh' before going into thinking mode, eyes wandering around to confirm things before finally speaking about it.

"wait, junior? werent you a freshmen?" woozi pondered, motioning his fingers to express more to his question.

"oh, uh, i managed to skip those two grades since they suggested so. they said something about my fitting knowledge and age, something like that." ji-ae explains, finally managing to not stutter at all. "they also instructed me to get guidance from you, since we're both in the same class." he added.

woozi nods, "i see. well, lets get going shall we? im sure you know the layout of the campus since you've been her a couple of weeks ago." says woozi while grabbing ji-ae's hand and walking off together to the doors.

"okay, lets get to class!" woozi announces, quickly heading off to the escalators of the building once they entered it.

ji-ae wanders his eyes around as if he never saw this place before. he admires the shorter leaning forward and resting his arms on the railing of the escalator.

"this is a really nice campus." ji-ae says, staring off into woozi's dark yet shiny eyes. "i know, right?" he acknowledges, fixing his posture and facing straight to their destination.

once again, woozi grabs ji-ae's hands and drags him into the classroom of class going. he brings them to his usual seating place, and insists ji-ae to sit on wonwoo's seat.

"so, tell me about yourself." woozi inquired while taking out his ipad and books. "i heard you're a model, is it true?"

"uhm, yeah. i model for dior and lvmh." ji-ae informs while doing the same. the latter stops throughout his actions, "dior and lvmh? damn, i love those brands! wait, hold on, are you older or younger than me?" woozi smirks as he was hoping for the other to be younger than him.

"depends. im a 2001 liner, what about you?"

"me too! a 2001 november baby here, and you?"

"no way.. im born on november 21, 2001!"

"really?! im a day after you!"

the two laughed in unison after the sharing of their birthdays. what a coincidence, ji-ae and him? a day apart?

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