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a/n : as usual, enjoy tonight's gose!!! and im sorry if i start writing short chapters, im just so lazy ever since school started 😭

also, im sorry but i wont be telling you about what they talked abt in the janitors closet just yet!!!! be patient plz

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very few people were still in the hallway, and they flinched badly when they saw woozi, as red as a tomato, sprinting out of the janitor's room, and a smirking hoshi, who got out calmly. seungkwan saw this while he was getting out of the locker, and he immediately knew what to do.

"yah! woozi-hyung! come back!!" seungkwan cried out in the hallways. eventually, he caught up with the older and pulled him.

seungkwan tripped woozi on purpose, and once woozi fell, seungkwan made sure he didnt move by sitting on top of the older's poor stomach. "what was that about? you hiding something from your best friend?" woozi rolled his eyes. "first of all, you are not and never were my best friend," the boy on the bottom said before switching positions with the younger. "second of all, no, im not hiding something. fuck off, you diva."

before things could get any worse, seungkwan wriggled himself out of the way and stood up firmly. "woah, woah, calm down there you prick! just, tell me what happened later in private chat or something." seungkwan said while running away. woozi scoffed and made his way to second lecture.

somehow, wonwoo was magically in his seat, unpacking notes and listening to music. woozi ran up to him, "won? how the fuck are you here? did you bibbidi bobbidi boo seungkwan your way here? what the fuck?" the young one questioned as he slapped wonwoo to make sure he was real. "woozi, im real. i came super late but mingyu sent me here. hes in his seat too!" the other replied as he pointed to mingyu who was in his seat. "okay then.. your whole presence is weird." woozi added.

after a while, an ocean of students came through the door followed by the professor. "alright people, your biology professor told me to remind you all that your biology presentation with your partner is due in four days. so you better hurry up. now, turn to page fifty-six of your textbook." the professor announced before taking a glance at one particular student.

"woozi, can you come and do me a favor?" the professor called out loud. woozi slowly made his way to the front since the steps were a bit cracked unlike usual.

after what seemed like forever, woozi finally arrived. "yes, professor kim?" the professor smiled warmly. "could you please get me my charger from the faculty lounge? thank you." as the kind student woozi is, he accepted and ran straight to the faculty lounge. he continued the lecture as usual after woozi came back.

once second lecture ended, they had about twenty minutes of break. students would either study, sleep, chat, or eat.

it was unusual that hoshi seemed really tired ever since the meeting with woozi in the janitor's room. he would always stare at woozi in his free time, but he's very sleepy. hoshi took a nap, and signing mingyu to wake him up for the next lecture. on the other hand, woozi never ever studied in his free time or break time. he'd usually read manga, listen to music, or just space out. i guess woozi woke up on the good side of the bed and decided to be different today.

ever since the professor mentioned about the biology project woozi had just realised he never even started anything with hoshi. so woozi did half of the project on his own, - with the help of wonwoo of course - and leave the rest to hoshi. woozi texted hoshi to let him know that he's going to be doing the rest of the project.

my future 🐯💗

i did the first half of the project!
from page 165-187
now you'll be doing the rest if thats fine

im done with it

is that possible?????

i kinda saw you doing it
you worked really hard with wonwoo
so i guess were done?
ill submit it to professor lee

im still trying to process this
but its fine..?
hopefully we get an A for our project!!!!!

me too :))

sorry to disturb your napping 😭
you look so peaceful loll

nah its fine
that bitch mingyu always annoys me and i never get any sleep

im going to study more with wonu now,,
sweet dreams!!
호앙해!!! 🐯🐯


lol 😭
ok fr now, BYEEEE

bye, love you.

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