17 (right here)

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a few seconds ago, minghao had approached woozi to become partners since jun was practically stolen by hoshi.

right now, theyre sitting on the side of the forest's railings, with minghao half sitting and half standing on the rail, and woozi crouching on the ground.

"i hate that kwon hoshi dude so fucking much. you cant just steal someone's property like that, the fuck? he should serve a life sentence in jail for abuse. actually, maybe kwon fucking hoshi should go to switzerland and never fucking come back."

as minghao continued his rant on hoshi, woozi was busy scrolling though instagram for any new updates or posts from wonwoo, mingyu or literally anyone at this point.

his fingers moved like bullet trains, just constantly liking whatever that shows up on his feed. until he almost scrolled past a selfie taken by hoshi, with people in the comments claiming that hoshi was their boyfriend.


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ho5hi_kwon drunk night with profs and the lads. lee didnt join tho 💔

view all 35,290 comments
leehyejufall4u my boyfriend yall ❤️‍🩹
   ↪️ only4hosh gtfo 😟 he belongs to a MALE lee
seomine9 he's getting drunk for me guys 🥰
feat.dino i hope hyungs had an amazing night drinking beer 💔 i wish i was drunk too...... 🐺🐺

woozi chuckled at chan's comment, but wondered why would the younger think it's necessary to put a wolf emoji.

"maybe hoshi should just jump off a cliff and- are you even listening, hyung?!" minghao whines, hitting woozi's back lightly but still hard enough that the latter can notice him.

the older stands up from his crouching position and winces at the cramps hes getting on the calves of his legs.

"ouch! minghao, massage my legs please." woozi begs, with a hurt expression displayed on his face. he rests a hand on the younger's crossed arms. minghao sighed furiously, "hell no, not after you ignored me a few seconds ago. go ask your mom to do it." "aahh, minghao!" woozi whined as minghao walks away into the crowd.

finally after what seems like forever, the hunt was about to start in a few seconds. all students had received their clue cards, their map layout, and their guidelines and rules sheet.

for now, the professors are waiting for all the professors and prefects in charge to get to their spots, and for the clock to strike 10AM sharp.

"hyung, are you sure we can get all the ingredients and not get lost..?" minghao said, rolling his sleeves back to his elbows. woozi scoffed, tying his long hair back into a small bun and pulling his front strands out. "hell yeah, we'll definitely get the first rank.

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