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news spread like wildfire.

after ji-ae had posted the video online overnight, everyone has been avoiding the infamous, popular kid in campus, kwon hoshi.

the said boy was absent for the first time in years, making everyone slightly relieved.

fortunately, woozi hasnt seen the news yet.

that's probably why he's confused that everyone is suddenly bombarding him with questions and 'im sorry for your loss's.

"whats up with everyone today..? theyre all looking at me, and then asking me if i ever knew about it. what is the 'it' that they are talking about?!" he ranted to wonwoo, eyeing around the classroom who was all staring at him and back at hoshi's empty seat.

wonwoo sighed, eyes trembling and his breath shaky. "havent you... saw ji-ae's post on the friend group chat last night? the one where you added ji-ae?" he says, ready to take his phone out.

the younger furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "no..? i never check the friend group chat." he replies.

then, wonwoo turns his phone on, unlocks it, and shakily scrolls through a few messages before finally finding what he had been scrolling so long for.


kim ji-ae
[sent a video attachment]
no way, is this true?!

hannie 🎀
hoshi, is it true?
are you..
did you really did kill?

mingoo 🤍
what the fuck, ji-ae?
you cant just
you cant just record someone's conversation like that, you freak.

kim ji-ae
well, arent you the freak here?
you knew the whole time.
you knew that you best friend was committing crimes and never getting caught
you knew he was doing the wrong thing
yet, you still havent told anyone.
not even your boyfriend, wonwoo.

you knew hoshi was doing it the whole time?

mingoo 🤍
im sorry, wonwoo
i couldnt just break hoshi's trust
you know he's my best friend

well sure
but what about mine? i gave you my trust ever since we first met.
you promised
you promised, kim mingyu.
what happened to the man who said 'i swear to not keep any secrets from you'?
did kwon soonyoung kill him, too?
answer me
answer me, kim fucking mingyu!

hannie 🎀
wonwoo, calm down

mingoo 🤍
i will explain everything
just please calm down

how am i suppose to calm down, mingyu?
you just lied to me
i wouldnt mind if it was a small thing
but now its a damn huge thing.
you fucking lied to me for who knows, the millionth time?
how am i suppose to calm down when i just found out that my boyfriend has been lying to me about his best friend murdering people just for trying to be friends with my best friend?
jihoon might be upset
and im sure he is

is this true?
has hoshi hyung been murdering people just for getting close to woozi hyung?

kim ji-ae
its true
i heard everything.
imagine what would've happened if i didnt have proof.
hoshi wouldve been killing and killing more people.
hurting woozi's loved ones.
and mingyu here, has been defending his criminal best friend.
what a shame

you're unbelievable, mingyu and hoshi
not only you've been lying to us for years, but you're also the reason jihoon has came up to me multiple times in a year saying that a person he recently met had been murdered brutally
i thought you were the one for jihoon, soonyoung
whats the point of even becoming friends with us if youre just here to scare jihoon off?
whats the point of youre just here to manipulate jihoon into loving you?
whats the fucking point, kwon soonyoung?!
dont leave me on read you bastard!!

morning ☀️
i hope everyone had an amazing sleep

hannie 🎀
wrong timing, nonnie

wait what?
is this real?
ji-ae, are you sure this isnt AI

kim ji-ae
why would it be? theres no way AI can create videos like this

soonyoung if youre going to keep leaving me on read and not reply to our messages, then just leave
i will not let you lay a finger on jihoon
i will call the cops if you do so,
and i wont hesitate.


oh great
you can talk now.
and you, kim mingyu
we're done.
i dont want to talk to you ever again
nor see you again
im done with you lying to my face over and over again

chanranghae 🗣️🦭
hyung calm down!!!!
maybe we can talk it out?
theres no need to assume so quick!

no, chan
im done
im not going to let jihoon feel the same pain over and over again because of his crush that murders people for him
yes, soonyoung
jihoon did like you
he loved you
he loved you to the point that he would bug me and tell his delusional scenarios about you and him marrying each other and living a happy happy life
but i dont think so anymore
im not going to let jihoon be treated this way
you are sick, soonyoung
you disgust me.

woozi had trouble breathing while scrolling through the conversation. wonwoo just kept rubbing the younger's back, trying to comfort him.

the noirette returns the phone and stares down at his table.

yes, he knew that hoshi had killed people for him. to be honest, he didnt mind. but wonwoo? wonwoo was serious about it. wonwoo would go as far as breaking up with the love of his life just to protect him.

right now, woozi felt guilty. it felt like he was the cause of wonwoo's break up, and the cause of hoshi being hated all around the campus.

thankfully, the news hadnt reached the professors yet. but it did reach his mother figure, jeonghan who is also the head prefect. jeonghan would do anything to protect his favourite child. so far, the older hadnt done anything yet.

now, how does woozi informs his friends that he knew the whole time and didnt mind it? wonwoo would lose his mind and leave woozi for not telling him.

minghao hasnt seen the chat yet, but junhui did. most likely, jun must've read it and told minghao or he hasnt.

just then, wonwoo pulls him into a tight hug.

"i know this must be hard for you, jihoonie. i know its hard for you to accept that maybe soonyoung wasnt the one, after all." wonwoo assures, ruffling woozi's hair.

great, what should woozi do right now?! hes stuck in a crisis. if he tells wonwoo the truth, his fate will end the same way as mingyu's. if he pretends that he never knew, he might drift away from hoshi.

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okay sorry for short chapter... im still writing the drama for the next one. look forward to the upcoming chapters!!

spoiler alert: the story is ending in a few chapters :(

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