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at 9AM, the students had showered and changed into appropriate and suitable clothing for the next activity hosted by the professors and prefects. they agreed to gather at the desired location, which was a huge and safe forest not far from the hotel. some of them had drove there with the professor's car, and most by taking the bus.

now, all students are crowded around the entrance of the forest as they watched the bus leave them behind.

"no! dont let the bus leave!" chan whined trying to run back to the bus with seungkwan holding him back. "you'll be fine, chan. im sure you'll survive being in the forest for a few hours." the older sighed.

at the entrance of the forest, there was a huge sign showing the map and ways around the forest along with some icons of food somewhere around the map. woozi scrunched his eyebrows, "whats with the food icons? theres meat, lettuce, bread, and.. wait- are we going to do a hunt around the forest?!" he exclaimed to jeonghan who was assisting the professor.

the older smiled as he winked at woozi, before the younger got pulled into a hug by someone.

and that someone was, none other than xu minghao.

minghao pulls woozi into a tight hug, "i dont wanna go to the forest! its fricking hot in there. not to mention the mosquitoes, ants and insects! ew, gross." the younger says while woozi tries to push him off of his body. the older groans, "yah, get- get off you bastard!" he exclaims with the younger pulling him into an even tighter hug.

"baobei, let him go! i think hes gonna suffocate." a voice joins in the conversation. it was wen junhui.

with that, minghao immediately lets go of woozi with an innocent smile on his face. meanwhile, the other was suffocating. "h-hey! you cant just, just act like nothing happened!" woozi cries, holding onto his chest for dear life.

"you boys over there, stop chit-chatting and pay attention! yunjin and eunchae! return chaewon's cap this instant!" professor kang commands. poor woman has to take care of over 40+ adults.

"alright students, please listen up!" another professor announces, snapping her hands in the air.

"the next thing on our agenda, is a treasure hunt. well, to be exact, its a lunch hunt. you'll be searching an gathering ingredients for your lunch, dinner, and dessert. yes, that means you'll have to cook it by yourself. head prefect yoon jeonghan will be handing out the layout and map of the forest. deputy head nayeon will be handing out the ingredients needed for you meals. and senior prefect shinyu will pass out the clue cards. we'll be hosting three rounds with an hour for each round, one for lunch, one for dinner and the other for dessert. if you manage to get all ingredients, then you'll be enjoying a delicious meal. if you manage to get a few ingredients but not all, then you'll have to make it with what you have. though, if you found nothing, then you'll not be eating anything."

the students gulps at the professor's lack of care for their students, how they make them starve if they dont find anything.

"this other board here, is a ranking board. students who got all ingredients will have their name ranked at the very top part, students who got most will be below, students who got some will be the second lowest, and students who didn't get anything will be at the lowest rank of the board. about partners, this time however, you can go with anyone you want or you can go alone. but you have to inform your teachers, so we can add points to your names on the points board. the maximum amount of people will be 4 and the minimum is 1. please form groups or partners now, im giving you 8 minutes!" the professor adds, clicking on a timer on her phone.

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