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the sun was setting in, the sky slowly fading into the night. woozi had just committed a crime, and he felt awesome doing it.

he didnt feel a single ounce of guilt, and enjoyed every moment of it.

woozi wouldnt even care if he got caught and arrested, all he cares about is that he finally got revenge for hoshi.

currently he's heading over to a trusted friend's house, to clean up for a while and maybe head home.

he has his hood on, trying to look like an average student returning home from a tiring day of lectures. some of the blood had leaked through his hoodie, but it didnt matter anyways since it was a black hoodie.

making his way there, woozi wonders of what would hoshi react to all this. would he be scared? proud? happy? well, hopefully the last two. the last thing woozi wants to do is make hoshi disappointed.

woozi was close to his destination, feeling his heart rate go higher and higher. he thought about what would happen if the police finds out.

firstly, they'd investigate and find the murderer, woozi. secondly, theyll announce it on the news and everyone including wonwoo and his parents would see it. then, they'll all cuts ties with him, leaving him alone out of fear.

to be honest, woozi wouldnt really mind that, since he knows that hoshi would still love him and stay with him till the end of the world. or would he?

would hoshi also throw him aside, neglect him and eventually forget about him? thats possible, too. but it might not be.

without woozi noticing, he was already in-front of the doors of his friend's house. why does it has to be so quick?

taking a deep breath, he calms his heart beat down. there was no turning back, now. its too late to go back home and forget all this. it was either now or never.

bravely, woozi knocks on the door thrice. okay, now it was too late to turn back. he had already knocked on the door, and he cant just run away.

much to woozi's dismay, the door was already being opened by someone.

and that someone was no other than hoshi.

the door creaks open, revealing a tired-looking, unhealthy hoshi. the older had a surprised expression set on his face.

"ji- jihoonie? why are you here?" hoshi asks, resting a hand on the other's shoulder.

"i.. i killed him, youngie. i killed him!" woozi reacts, which surprise hoshi even more. who is this 'him' he was talking about?

hoshi leans in closer, "wh-what? what do you mean? who did you kill, jihoonie?" he questions, sure that woozi was just joking around.

woozi took off his mask, revealing dried blood on his face. "i killed ji-ae, youngie. all for you..!" he exclaims, looking at hoshi dead in the eyes.

the older couldnt process all of this. woozi killed ji-ae? but, woozi would never do that. woozi is a sweetheart.

suddenly, hoshi trips back, a pair of arms hugging his body tightly.

"youngie, let me in. please. i want to make this right." woozi pleads. who was hoshi to deny him?

theyre both in hoshi's bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed while staying quiet and still.

until hoshi decides to speak up.

"is it okay if you explain what happened just now, jihoonie?" hoshi says, caressing woozi's stained cheek. he then notices the younger's eyes getting a bit duller.

"hey, you know that i wont tell anyone, right? you can always trust me." the older informs, holding woozi's hands.

woozi looks at hoshi with a determined look. hoshi's right, woozi can always trust him.

the younger sighs and starts explaining.

"i was angry. i couldnt believe that ji-ae just told you off like that. i couldnt stand watching the kids in class writing death threats on yours and mingyu's desk. it was all so frustrating. and the only one here at fault was obviously ji-ae. he called you a murderer, liar and a deceiver. as your best friend, i couldnt just let it slide. so, i killed him. i killed him. soonyoung. all for you.. i killed him so that he cant get in between the both of us ever again. do you accept me for who i have become?"

woozi looks up at the older with a desperate look, hoping that he would accept him.

though, he didnt got the response he had expected.

hoshi leaned in, cupping the younger's cheeks and kissed him dearly. woozi immediately responded to his actions as if he had done it before.

the kiss was deep and passionate. they both had finally achieved their dream.

woozi tilted his head slightly, giving better access for the older. hoshi gladly took the chance and gave woozi what he wanted.

they stayed there for a few more seconds, before hoshi pulled away slowly to regain his breath.

the younger was still unsure of hoshi's answer, even after that. so, he repeats the question.

"do you.. accept me for who i have become?"

hoshi stares at the masterpiece in front of his eyes. "of course, jihoonie. i'll always accept you for who you are." he replied, and dived in for another kiss.

woozi leaned back onto the bed, making him lay down on the soft blanket of hoshi's bed. the older then cages woozi with his arms, refusing to let him escape any further.

this time, the kiss was a bit steamy. hoshi had forced his tongue into the younger's mouth, exploring it like he would used to fantasise about before. woozi let out small sighs and pants that were like music to the older's ears.

they both pull away, catching their breaths before making eye contact.

"be mine? your options are yes or yes." hoshi asks.

"fuck yes!"


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