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"woozi? are you-" hoshi cut off his own sentence to see three random dudes touching woozi inappropriately for no reason. yoon looked back in worry, hoping they wouldnt get caught. yoon's face showed he was forced to do bullying by both harin and jisu, which was clear in hoshi's eyes since he experienced quite the same thing.

"uhm, j-jisu, harin, there's someone here!" yoon yelped, tugging the hem of harin's sleeves. but before the other two could look back, hoshi is already ready to hit them with a frying pan (none of the authors/narrators knew where he got it from 💀).

hoshi immediately hit jisu and harin's head hardly, causing them to be unconscious. he took a glance at the shaking and scared woozi, it broke hoshi's heart to imagine woozi reacting like this to hoshi's touch. he signalled yoon to get the fuck out of there as fast as he can, and yoon obeyed instantly.

now, it was just hoshi and woozi alone in the bathroom, together.

hoshi hesitated whether to touch woozi's fragile, perfect body or not, afraid it would shatter into pieces. in the end, he finally did.

he rubbed circles on the other's back, and couraging the other to stand upright and wash his face. woozi took a whole to stand up since his body was weak, but with the help of hoshi, he stood up perfectly. hoshi expected woozi to just thank him and get out or something, but woozi did something hoshi never expected to.

woozi hugged him, wrapping his arms on hoshi's neck, and his face buried in hoshi's chest. hoshi slowly turned red and didnt know what to do, but he reacted maturely and hugged him back. (pls why are yall ignoring the two bodies)

'im never washing this sweater.' hoshi thought, as he mesmerised this moment like he would never experience it ever again.

after a few seconds or so, woozi finally let go. "thank you so much, hoshi. youre truly the best person anyone could ask-" "who were they? what are they? why are they? how are they- actually, they are why? wait what am i saying?" hoshi interrupted. woozi giggled at the other's cuteness. 'hes such a cutie.' woozi thought.

the shorter boy held hoshi's soft hands,

"whoever's marrying you in the future, they must be really lucky. youre perfect, beautiful, gorgeous, hot, and most importantly, you have the best kind of personality. sometimes i wish i was your ideal person. youre a better gentleman than that joshua asshole. i dont understand how no one wants to kill for you, youre very talented at dancing, singing, producing, and much more! once again, thank you hoshi. i dont want you to worry about me too much. im sure it'll be a burden to you." woozi let out like it was his last minute of living.

hoshi's mouth was agape, he wanted to hug and kiss woozi one more time, but he couldnt. he was sure woozi would feel uncomfortable.

"of course, w-woozi. dont even mention i-it."

'fuck. did i just stutter in front of woozi?! this is so embarrassing." hoshi thought.

woozi laughed, "i'll meet you at the table with the others. whatre you going to do with harin and jisu?" he questioned. hoshi totally forgot about the other two, and smiled. "dont worry, i'll get rid of them. the most important thing here is you go and have fun. i'll meet you back there." hoshi replied, fighting the urge to caress woozi's plumpy cheeks like they were a couple.

woozi let go of the other's hand, and made his way out.

meanwhile, after hoshi made sure woozi returned to the table safe and sound, he turned back towards the two unconscious bodies on the floor. he took out a small but sharp knife, and caressed it on harin's neck.

"you'll pay for touching him first before me."


mr. kwon cutie 🐯💗

hey! thank you again for helping me out in the cafe

as i said woozi, dont even mention it. i did what i had to.
and thank you for telling me all the compliments. ive never had anyone said that to me before, so it really meant a lot.

of course!
btw, what'd you do with jisu and harin?

i reported it to their parents and they got grounded for a while, dw


u dont have to answer this but, who were they?

ive never told anyone about it before, not even my closest friends.
but i'll tell you, on the weekdays though

ofc ofc, u dont have to tho.

no, no!
its fine
as long as you dont spread word out

alright. no worries.

mkay, see you at school tmrw! 🐯

seen at 10:17PM

i scrapped out their organs, tied their limbs and threw them in the lake.
all for you, bb <33
i want to hear you scream out my name in pleasure.
im sure that'll happen soon.

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