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woozi promised he would kill someone if a "coincidence" happens to him again. hes now laying on his hotel room's king bed face flat on the pillow. it was currently night time, which means the other students were either in their room doing things or joining the BBQ party on the huge balcony area of the hotel.

the boy flips around in his bed, unsure of what to do. his roommate had went to the BBQ party with his friends, and minghao was busy walking around the beach with jun. he couldnt even call wonwoo, since the man was taking care of mingyu and enabled 'do not disturb' mode on his phone.

he then got reminded by who his roommate was, making him thrash around the blankets, face turn red, and curl his body.

"fuck, why does this always happens to me?" woozi talks to himself. he got up and walked over to the balcony area of his room, enjoying the cool air as it hits his skin and makes his hair fly across his face - which looked majestic, by the way. the boy watched as the professors and students drinking beer together, and some other students swimming in the ocean or just making videos and taking pictures.

woozi set his eyes on one person though, hoshi.

woozi watches as the said boy was running around through the sand with seokmin and seungkwan chasing him behind. he watches as the breeze blows hoshi's hair, displaying the boy's clear face. the noirette smiled as he watched the trio collapse on one another on the yellow sand. he started chuckling when he heard jeonghan went to them and picked them up like nothing. woozi had always thought how jeonghan was strong even though the older swears he doesnt go to the gym. once, jeonghan even beat mingyu in a boxing extra curricular demonstration!

it was all sunshines and rainbows until he went back in and saw his roommate's black duffle bag. he had never cursed out too loudly for his own liking. "ah, fuck you, kwon soonyoung..! youre the reason i turned out like this!"

"what happened?" you may ask.

flashback : arrival,

woozi stretched his body as he stepped out of the bus, letting his sweater lift up and show his belly button. he had unzipped his hoodie a few moments ago, telling himself to 'embrace the coldness'.

"yah, cover your belly! what are you doing, idiot?" minghao whisper-shouted as he grabbed woozi's sweater, pulling it down harshly which made woozi stumble over slightly. "oh, thanks. wait- minghao? i thought you didnt want to join the trip?" he commented while adjusting the tote bag on his shoulder. the younger clicked his mouth, "nah, i didnt want to. i would rather kill myself but jun was going, so why not? and be grateful, at least you have someone other than a blind, game obsessed man. its sad that i couldnt be on the same bus as you and jun though." he said. woozi chuckled, "wonwoo? first of all, hes not blind. he can see perfectly if he squint his eyes. second of all, he is game obsessed but-"

"lee jihoon and seo myungho, stop talking and gather around!" one of the students, jisoo, called for them. the said boys quickly jogged to the group of students in the lobby of the hotel.

the students started chattering about their roommates and where they wanted to go on their break time together. honestly, woozi didnt want to leave the building unless it was an activity they had to participate.

being a homebody, he never got to experince much things in life like other people did. when his parents would go to other countries for vacation, woozi would insist that he would take care of the house with the excuse of 'being scared that someone would break in'. even when it was summer break, all he did was work out and produce music in his studio at home.

not to mention how woozi probably had never seen his neighbours, considering the fact that whenever the neighbours would come around, he'd hide in his room or just use the excuse to go to the bathroom.

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