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after a long day occupied in the forest, they finally had finished all activities hosted there. minghao and woozi luckily got to had their dinner and dessert without their boyfriends feeding them this time.

the bus trip back to the hotel wasnt too bad either, it was quiet and peaceful but the stench of sweat wasnt that pleasing.

currently, the students had returned to their rooms and were given time to sleep and rest before the third day of their trip starts. some of the rooms were empty since the professors had invited them to assist   in cleaning out the forest in case it was damaged or any other occurrences.

hoshi was peacefully sleeping on his side, which made it easier for woozi to do stuff. but he decided maybe not tonight, he has some other plans to do.

woozi's phone rang, and the volume was a bit loud so it made the man panic as hoshi might wake up anytime soon. woozi immediately answered the call and took a peek at the sleeping man. he noticed that he had shuffled positions only. thankfully, nothing else happened.

the person who called woozi was wonwoo, who was hoping to get some updates on the camp. earlier, woozi had posted a few photos of him during the hunt on instagram and it probably made wonwoo curious.

(this picture but imagine he has his current hairstyle)

❤️      💬      📤95,018 Likeswoozi_universefactory would be starving today if it wasnt for him 🫶

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woozi_universefactory would be starving today if it wasnt for him 🫶

view all 10,829 comments
bumzu91 one day i see you in the studio, now youre starving in the forest?!
↪️ woozi_universefactory hehe 🙃
dk_is_dokyeom is it a good choice that i wasnt partners with you? 🤔
joshu_acoustic whos him.

instead of their usual voice call, it was a facetime which wonwoo rarely does. out of all moments, of course he would want to do it now.

woozi quickly gets up from the bed and onto the small dining area before taking a seat. as if on cue, the call finally connects after a lot of ringing.

"hey!" wonwoo says, very cheery unlike usual.

woozi lets out a small chuckle as he grabs a soda can on the tray prepared by the professors so students can treat themselves. "whats up with you tonight? your 'hey' was more happier than the others you said to me. did mingyu feed you candy again?" he jokes, opening the soda can as quietly as possible.

the other laughed at his friend's comment. "its nothing. cant one say hello to their friend happily in peace? by the way, how's hoshi?" wonwoo asks, the screen showing him scratching his scalp. woozi takes a look at hoshi before responding. "hoshi's fine. hes sleeping right now, so i would appreciate it if you lower down your volume. thanks." he explains, flashing wonwoo his iconic smile.

then, the screen showed wonwoo moving over to where mingyu was. and to woozi, he looked completely alright. "hey, didnt you say mingyu was sick? did you lie to me?!" woozi hissed, pouting his lips. at that, wonwoo quickly denies it with bunch of 'no!'s and 'he got better this morning!'s. "nah, im kidding. wish you could come though, its so much fun." he says, taking a sip of his beverage.

they had a nice conversation for another 30 minutes before the clock hits 11pm, which was the time for wonwoo to sleep.

"goodnight jihoon!" wonwoo greets before ending the call. woozi places his phone down on the table and ruffled his fluffy hair. then, he stood up and threw the can in the bin before walking over to the bathroom to wash up.

he stood in front of the mirror, examining his cloud-like hair and dark circles. damn, how many nights did he not sleep before this?

the man wipes off his thoughts and brushes his teeth as soon as possible and get to bed early. woozi flips the light switch, making the room dim with the only light source being the fairy lights hung on the balcony railing. he settles himself beside the peaceful-looking hoshi before staring at him for an uncomfortably a long amount of time.

finally, he went into dreamland a few minutes later, looking forward to the next day.

though, hoshi wasnt looking forward, instead he was looking at him sleeping.

hoshi rises up from his position gently to not wake up the latter. he walks over to woozi's side and manages to not make a sound. i wonder how he mastered that.

hoshi crouches down to woozi's lever as he observed the beauty in front of him. woozi looks so damn majestic. the lightning from the moon outside was gazing across his fluffy, soft cheeks, his curtain bangs that compliments his face, and his slim, tiny hands holding the blanket.

the man watches for a long period of time before whipping his phone out and taking photos. i mean, who would resist having pictures of the actual real life sleeping beauty in their phone gallery? only a crazy person would — according to hoshi.

he checks how the photos looked on his phone and adding it to his album; 'mine <3'. a smirk was displayed on his face, words cant describe how happy he was.

"you look beautiful in the photos, jihoonie. but you're way more beautiful in my arms." he says to himself, swiping to the photo he took when they were both hugging each other throughout the night.

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eek sorry for the short chapter, i got a really important add maths test coming up and i dont want to fail 😭🙏

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