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with minghao and woozi...

"aish! these stupid pests!" minghao yells, wacking his hands around to try and get mosquitoes and bees away from sucking on his face. meanwhile, woozi was infront of him, still trying to find the first location. it has been 20 minutes since the hunt started, which leaves them with another 40 minutes. 

woozi closes the map layout harshly — but not too harsh that the paper rips, and pulls his hair aggressively that minghao fears its going to pull off. the older looks around while jumping, hoping that they will meet up with their friends and go hunting together. but, there was no signs of friends or literally anybody around their area.

"this is fucking frustrating, how in the fucking damn world are we going to find all these shit?!" woozi curses, trying not to travel to a mountain and jump off of it. woozi rages while minghao is still fighting off those mosquitoes and bees. "dude, i have no idea— can we just hurry up so i dont get fucking stung?! i dont understand why they dont give us insect repellent!" minghao complains, shooing the flying insects with the extra map he had in hand.

the duo continues walking 'accordingly' to the map with woozi in the lead.

the leaves they stepped on crunched satisfyingly, making woozi have hope in finding the ingredients. the trees stood tall and firm even with all the wind blowing through. "i think we wont make it, hyung. we're probably lost in the middle of nowhere, with no food in hand or any survival items.." minghao says, trailing off with a sad expression displayed on his face. woozi scoffed, "okay.. but dont overthink, hao! it will make me panic even more." the older replies.

woozi takes out a pencil that was in his pocket and circled the area that they were on. were they? the older doesnt know, all he wants is for anyone to rescue him and feed him food. he stops walking, trying to confirm his surroundings according to the map. it somewhat looks close, and a spark of light shines in his eyes.

all until something or someone bumps into him, making him fall downward onto the ground — thankfully, he fell on the grass and not the mud.

"what the fuck?!" he spats out, dusting off the sand on his clothes while protecting the map in his hand. fortunately, the map wasnt torn in any places. "thank goodness.." woozi prays before checking on what had bumped into him a few moments earlier, wanting to give them a piece of his mind.

"oh shit, hyung are you okay?" minghao questions, crouching beside the older. woozi sighs, "i think i am. but what just bumped into me?" he asks, still dusting off the sand off his clothes. minghao chuckled nervously, "my bad, i couldnt see the path because of those damn insects, and i didnt know you stopped walking. so i just kept fighting them off while i kept walking." he explains, eyeing woozi's body to see of theres any injuries. the older side eyed him and held onto his shoulder to stand up.

but, the younger stops him midway. "woah, dont get up. take a look at your palm, hyung. a huge chunk of your skin is ripping off, and your getting internal bleeding! you said you were okay." minghao comments, setting him back on the ground and ruffling through his carry on bag for an aid kit. at that, the latter takes a look at his palm. "fuck, was that why i felt some stinging on my hand? i thought it was a bee." he replies, sighing at the end. minghao quickly treats him and wraps a bandage around his palm and wrist.

"its alright hyung, im sure we can find the ingredients." minghao assures, now helping the older back up.

spoiler alert : they found nothing lol

as all the other students were having a fun time in the outdoor kitchen, making their burgers, minghao and woozi was outside looking at the ranking of their finds. while a few students managed to get to the top rank like hoshi and jun, taehyun and soobin, riki and jay. the best that minghao and woozi could reach was — the last rank.

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