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tw: murdering
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getting revenge was one of the best things in life, and you're practically wrong if you disagree with that.

woozi glares at ji-ae laughing with his other friends as if he hadnt broken his first friend's heart. the noirette felt so betrayed and hurt by the action that ji-ae had done. in other people's eyes, ji-ae might be the hero who had exposed hoshi and prevented them from getting killed, but in woozi's it was fucking betrayal.

how could ji-ae do something like this? does he even cares about why woozi looks so tired these days? well, maybe that's reasonable. they might think that woozi's been tired from all the exposure of his crush lately.

but it was a totally opposite story.

woozi waited patiently for the final few minutes of last lecture to end before his plan can start. the professor kept going on and on about her love life, getting way off the actual topic.

he didnt mind it anyway, since he hated listening and learning.

the last few minutes felt like he was waiting forever, with the class's clock slowly ticking its way to 4pm.

though, the professor finally wrapped up a minute early, dismissing the students with her hands sign. "you're free to go." she says and walks out of the room with books in her hands.

firstly, woozi has to wait for ji-ae to exit the room before he can finally get started. thankfully, ji-ae had read his mind and left the room along with one of his friends.

wonwoo gets up, and winces at the cramp in his leg. "ow! damn, ive been sitting here for 4 hours and 30 minutes! thats a long time." he informs while watching woozi pack up in a rush.

"hey, you're coming over to my house tonight, right? my mom invited you to have dinner together." wonwoo reminded the younger with a confused yet happy smile on his face.

woozi glares at him and exits the row with his laptop on hand, and bag strapped in his shoulder. "no, sorry. ive got thing to be done at home." he reacted, making his way out of class without listening to what wonwoo has to say to him.

the man was seen hurriedly walking through the hallways with a moody expression on his face.

to not be suspicious, woozi must act as if he is going home as usual. he finally step foot out of the building after a few more steps, and went to the side of the building where there were barely any students there.

he figured that he should wait, and watch closely if ji-ae was leaving the building or not.

after a few careful observations since a few days ago, woozi found out that ji-ae would usually go home fifteen minutes after dismissal time to wait for his sister to be done in the library. then, his sister, jiyoon, would drop him off at the nearest bus stop to their neighbourhood so that she can go to her night shift while ji-ae could go home peacefully.

well, woozi decided that someone wasnt going to return home peacefully. actually, he doubts if that 'someone' was going to return home anyway.

while waiting for 4:15pm, woozi thought that he should watch the skies shining bright-fully in the evening.

the sun, in its slow descent towards the horizon, cast a warm golden glow over the campus buildings and trees, bathing everything in a soft, ethereal light.

the sky above was a mesmerizing canvas of pastel hues, with streaks of pink, orange, and purple blending together seamlessly like an artist's masterpiece.

woozi watched in awe as fluffy white clouds drifted lazily across the sky, their shapes constantly morphing and changing with the whims of the wind.

he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and tranquility of the scene before him, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he took in the natural splendor surrounding him.

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