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ji-ae and woozi has been talking to each other for a week now, completely ignoring the existence of jeon wonwoo. speaking of wonwoo, that man had tried to sabotage ji-ae in all sorts of ways.

like on monday, wonwoo went all the way to the photoshoot studio and scheduled a session for ji-ae later in the day to avoid ji-ae hanging out at woozi's house.

on tuesday, wonwoo wrote a letter asking ji-ae to meet up using a fake name, but the other didnt fall that at all. that madman completely crumpled the paper and threw it away without hesitation.

wonwoo couldnt believe how much ji-ae was hanging out with woozi on his first proper week here. theyve probably spoken more to each other in a day than wonwoo and woozi in a week.

whatever it takes, wonwoo needs to get his long life emergency pookie wookie ookie dookie back!

first plan; try and lounge around the both of them, who knows that they might become a trio.

but first, he needs to find where the heck the might be at a time like 12:18. dining hall, maybe. its currently lunch time and woozi rarely goes to have lunch but ji-ae would always invite him over.

walking into the hall, wonwoo was right. there they were — woozi tutoring ji-ae about the new maths topic. for some reason woozi was wearing spectacles, and had a pen tucked behind his ear.

"heyyy!" wonwoo greets, dragging out the 'y' as he places his pile of books on the dining table. "hey." woozi replies dryly and returning to his explanation of calculus and things that doesn't entertain wonwoo.

he taps on the table as if waiting for one of them to talk to him. "whatcha doin?" wonwoo asks, not out of curiosity. ji-ae looks up at him, smiling widely that he almost looked like seokmin. "just revising for maths. whats with the mountain of books, won?" he questions while pointing at the said object.

the older gasps in silence at the sudden nickname, as if theyve been best friends for 5 years when its really 5 days. "oh, this? pshh, just helping out at the library." he attempts to act natural. "whats with the nickname, though? im not offended, just wanna know why." he lies.

ji-ae gets shy at that, probably thinking that it slightly made wonwoo annoyed or something. but ji-ae doesnt blame him. "oh, uhm, woozi told me a lot about you and since we had a small conversation the other day i thought i should consider you as a friend. i make nicknames for all my friends, too. like woozi here? i call him woozing."

how funny, jeonghan calls him that too.

wonwoo blinks twice. "i. see." he says, twitching his eyes out of annoyance. at that expression, wonwoo notices ji-ae slightly smirking for no reason. this new kid was getting on his nerves for simply talking to him. is he the problem, or is ji-ae the problem?

ji-ae takes a look at his watch before standing and packing up all his items.

"sorry guys, i agreed to meet up with my sister at the library for birthday party planning. catch you later!" "bye, ji! tell jiwoo i said hi!" woozi shouts out with the other nodding as he finally walks out of the doors.

now that wonwoo and woozi was alone after so many days, wonwoo screeched his chair closer to the other. "hey, whats with that new kid? hes getting on my nerves." wonwoo starts, snatching the pen away from woozi's hand to not get him distracted.

"hey-! dont take that, i need it!" woozi argues. "answer me first." the older replies. the other gives up, knowing theres no point of fighting over a pen. "what do you mean he's getting on your nerves? he just wants friends, he never had any back in high school." woozi explains, closing his textbook and turned off his laptop.

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