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saturday went by quickly. too quickly for woozi's liking.

he's now in front of the bus, waiting for wonwoo who had basically forced woozi to come with him. as the clock ticks at 8:57am, the professor in charge had shouted out. "last call! all students please board the bus!"

woozi crosses his arms, shivering at the wind of winter as he looks around for a tall 23 year old man wearing glasses and ruffled hair. "where is jeon wonwoo?" he says. woozi receives a text on his phone which was in his tote bag, making him take it out. it was a call request from wonwoo. he better be here already. woozi thought.

"hey woozi!" wonwoo greets. "where are you? the bus is about to leave in 2 minutes!" woozi exclaims, too angry to respind to the greeting. woozi hears the voice of someone coughing in the background, "ouch.. uhm, i cant make it! im taking care of mingyu. hes sick right now." the latter replies.

woozi swore he was about to explode out of anger right now. "seriously?! mingyu is a grown 22 year old man! he cant take care of himself?! and why wouldnt you tell me this sooner?" he shouts.

"okay, last call! all students please board the bus! all students please board the bus!" the professor called out once again. "fine, tell me in text." woozi says before hanging up and walking into the bus.

and as expected, there was no seats left.

no one wouldnt want to give up their seats since they were sitting with their friend laughing and chatting, also completely ignoring woozi who stood still on the entrance of the bus. the professor examined the bus, searching for an empty seat woozi could sit on.

"woozi-ssi, im afraid theres no seats left. maybe you can ask another professor for-"

"HE CAN SIT HERE!" a voice shouts out.

the bus became silent as they watched hoshi patted the seat beside him, who also pushed his classmate aside. "hoshi what was that for?!" jeongin, the boy who was seating next to hoshi, questioned.  "oh dont be a crybaby. cmon woozi! you cant sit here!" hoshi teased while still patting the seat beside him.

right, hoshi is here too. woozi said in his mind.

the professor sighed, "alright, hoshi. thank you for volunteering but do not push anyone here. jeongin, you can sit at my seat. ill drive my own car, as im sure all of you can take care of yourselves without a professor's help. i trust you all!" he said while standing up and walking out of the bus.

as woozi sat next to hoshi, he felt all eyes glaring at him in jealousy. the boy had fixed his sitting position so he could sit comfortably next to his husba- i mean classmate. and he had felt a bit eery while knowing hoshi is watching his every move. so, he decided to start up a conversation.

"hey hoshi. im sorry about that awkward meeting we had in the toilet a few days ago." woozi said. hoshi took off his hood so make sure he wasnt hearing things. "oh! dont be, that was just a coincidence." he replied.

as they both laughed it off, it got even more awkward and ridiculous.

hoshi cursed in his mind, wanting to talk more to the latter. only if they were boyfriends, he wouldn't have to be scared of opening up. meanwhile, woozi was crying in his head. what only makes it worse is that he had brang hoshi's diary in his tote bag. the boy had planned to read it in the hotel room he's sharing with his roommate.

the silence had continued for 30 minutes, which was killing hoshi. woozi had completely shut off from the outside world, too focused on his phone with his airpods on. hoshi decided to take a look outside, maybe to clear his mind or something.

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