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it was unusual for rumours to spread in caratland college, as it was a very precise college.

recently, news that one of their professors, professor kim, was found dead with bruises, cuts, and stab marks everywhere on his body behind the campus building next to the trash can. everyone in the college was afraid and shocked. they never had a murder occur in campus.

hoshi sighed. "isn't that unfortunate, gyu?" the boy said while clicking his pen on his desk in class after the mourning of their dead professor.

the latter rolled his eyes. "you know damn well who did it, hyung." mingyu grumbled before taking off his sunglasses and running his hand through his brown mullet.

"dude, it wasn't my fault! he was just too close to woozi.." hoshi whisper-shouted in case someone would hear them. the other sighed deeply. "whatever you say.. anyways do you know where wonwoo is?" mingyu asked as he was cleaning his desk and taking out his laptop. "he's with woozi at the tree on the hill by the campus." hoshi replied without hesitation.

the younger sighed, for the second time. "you know everything, especially when it comes to woozi-hyung. don't you?" the older smiled cheekily.

"of course."

after a few minutes of awkward silence, all the students finally arrived and took their seats. just in time for philosophy. it was just a boring two hour and fifteen minutes class, nothing special. finally, after the long lecture, it was time for a twenty minute break before they head out for lunch. as usual, students minded their own business.

'ping!' woozi's phone ringed. woozi checked his phone, expecting another message from minghao but it was from instagram.

'ho5hi_kwon posted a picture'

woozi's eyes immediately lit up and typed in his password faster than the eager people at lunch.


❤️      💬      📤67,534 Likesho5hi_kwon selca of the day 🤍 still waiting for lee to make a move,,

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❤️ 💬 📤
ho5hi_kwon selca of the day 🤍 still waiting for lee to make a move,,

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dk_is_dokyeom lee!!!! his surname!!!!!!!!!!!
woozi_universefactory lee woozi 😍 /JJJJJJJ (manifesting)

woozi giggled at the joke comment he made. though, he wished it was real. there were so many lee's in this campus.

he then turned off his phone and faces his best friend, wonwoo. also known as one of the top students in the campus. "wonu-ssi, thank you for being my friend." woozi blurted out randomly, which got wonwoo worried. "woozi? are you okay? are you in trouble? do you need money? do you need me to drive you to the mental hospital?" wonwoo replied as he placed his palms on the younger's shoulders, and shaking his body.

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