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throughout the day, it was just a bunch of 'im sorry for your loss' and 'are you feeling okay' from the students. woozi felt sick and tired.

the real person they should be asking here is none other than kwon hoshi, or soonyoung. soonyoung had deleted all his instagram posts and completely shut himself off from his college life.

woozi felt utterly sad. and whose fault was that? of course, its kim ji-ae.

ji-ae walked proudly in the hallway, everyone calling him a 'hero' because he had saved their lives from a chance of getting murdered by soonyoung.

though, he was nowhere near that in woozi's eyes.

that man had destroyed everything. woozi's dreams, woozi's future, woozi's relationship with his friends, and most importantly, mingyu's and soonyoung's life.

ever since then, people had been writing death threats on mingyu's desk along with soonyoung's. things written on it were something like; 'jump off a cliff for those victims you murdered.' 'justice for lee woozi.' 'big fucking liar.'

woozi watched in class as the students crowded around the empty tables, writing things on it while giggling. such disgusting, unashamed hypocrites.

wonwoo had finished cleaning up his desk, books nearly placed aside with his laptop closed and clear of dust. "woozingie, have you seen minghao around?" he asked, wiping his glasses using his clothing.

the younger's breath hitched, feeling uneasy at the nickname. "please, dont call me by that gross name." he warns, feeling his blood boil up.

"why not? i think the name ji-ae gave you is pretty nice." wonwoo reasons, wearing his glasses back on. he had a smile on his face while saying that... creature's name.

woozi felt his head pang, making it slightly harder to breathe. "for the love of god, dont ever say his name again. please." begged woozi, who was on the verge of getting on his knees to ask wonwoo to not say its name ever again.

the older furrows his eyebrows in confusion. tilting his head with a small smile on his face, he tries to tell woozi to be grateful for ji-ae.

"woozi, you should be thankful for ji-ae. he saved your life." saved my life, my ass.

"you couldve gotten threatened by hoshi to be his boyfriend or something." i would beg him to do that, actually.

"hoshi's dangerous, and as your best friend, i must protect you at all cost." if you were my so called best friend you wouldve known that i love hoshi whether he is a murderer or not.

"ji-ae would be a better person for you. maybe we were wrong the whole time? it seems like he was just trying to help us since hoshi looked suspicious." the fuck do you know about hoshi?

woozi stood up from his seat, struggling to escape the row with wonwoo blocking the exit. "i'll be back before lecture starts. just need to get some fresh air." he excused, already walking down to the door without hearing wonwoo's response.

"of course, you need it!" wonwoo exclaims from his seat.

there was no other better place than the tree on the hill that woozi would usually go to when he's feeling horrible. like, right now.

woozi feels guilty. so fucking guilty.

if he hadnt stayed curious and left the book there, none of this would happen. hoshi would still be in campus, having fun with his friends, and mingyu would still be in a happy relationship with wonwoo.

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