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ever since the fight they had in the dining hall, it couldn't get past woozi's mind. maybe wonwoo was right, he was being ridiculous.

the hangout with ji-ae wasnt too bad, either! they talked further more into their interests and gossips like he and wonwoo used to do. its been two days since, and he hasnt spoken to any of the two.

ji-ae was absent for two days, and it seemed that wonwoo just didnt want to talk to him judging by the way he switched seats with minghao.

woozi felt awful, and he wants to repair their friendship.

to do that, he obviously needs to talk to the older first. and with that intention in mind, he goes off during lunch time wandering around campus to look for wonwoo.

first destination, library.

wonwoo always spends his free time with mingyu in the library, even offering help to carry or put books in their respective shelves. he wasnt it even a librarian, too.

woozi opens the library door using his ID card and starts searching for wonwoo.

usually, the older would be somewhere around the corners of the room, hunched up on the floor with a book stuffed in his face.

so, woozi you runs off to the said corner and sees no one. that's odd, considering it's a tuesday. tuesdays are always wonwoo's favourite day to read since the library wasnt crowding up.

still, woozi was convinced his best friend was still in the library. woozi takes two random textbooks from the bookshelf to disguise as if he was here to borrow books and study.

with a pinch of hope, he shows up to the front desk of the library to ask the professor in charge a question.

"good evening, miss hiyyih!" woozi greeted cheerfully being the cheerful person he was (probably).

ms. hiyyih's face grew brighter, happy to see one of her favourite students. "good evening, woozi! can i help you out with anything?" she offers, and leans forward signing that she was happy to have this conversation.

woozi smiles, "yes, i just wanna know if you have seen wonwoo coming in here today? can i also want to borrow these books for a while? i've got a test coming up." he reasons, parting his bangs to the side for his eyesight.

the other hums, "of course, you can, woozi!" she exclaims and scans the book before typing information on her computer. "also, wonwoo hasnt came in today. he did yesterday, though." she informs hoping that the given information would help the younger.

woozi sighs, feeling defeated.

"alright. thanks for telling me anyways, miss." woozi replied while trying to give her a small smile.

he leaves the library with no plans of where to search for next. maybe the toilet? and just like that, he was running off to the male's toilet.

'out of all places, why the toilet?' you may ask

well, here's the story.

back when woozi first entered college, he didnt have any friends at the moment. since wonwoo and him were attending different colleges, he didnt have the spark of hope that wonwoo would be there, too.

woozi went to the male's toilet to wash his face and gain the confidence of approaching others and make new friends for orientation week.

then, one student had exited the on of the closed cubicle. it was just minghao, the first time he met that boy was in the toilet.

the said boy goes to the sink beside him. "hey, first day here?" the boy says as if he had been here for years. woozi felt nervous, but still answered anyway since the boy looked older than him.

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