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the professor's lectures was cut off as yoon jeonghan, a.k.a the head prefect, entered the lecture hall with a knock.

"hello, professor yang! may i borrow a few minutes from your lecture? i need to address them about an event." jeonghan said after giving a slight bow to the professor. the latter gave a warm smile and nodded. "of course! take your time."

woozi watched as his mother figure walked to the podium with multiple pages of paper in his hands. prefect stuff, probably.

jeonghan started his announcement with coughing to clear out his throat, "hello, i am here to announce to you that caratland college will officially host their first ever educational trip!" the lecture hall erupted with cheers as soon the jeonghan finished his exclamation. the prefect silenced the students with his finger, and continued, "it will be held on this saturday, at 9am sharp. please pack all of your necessities and strictly, no weapons! got it, xu minghao?" he says, looking at the said person. the latter rolled his eyes at him.

jeonghan chuckled silently before fixing his collar and returning to his speech.

"if you do want to participate, you must meet me in the prefect's lounge after lectures ends today, and fill in the form that consists of your personal information. it will be a 3 nights 4 days trip, and a long three hours and thirty minutes bus ride to daegu. it is highly encourage for you to bring money, snacks, and your own food and drinks, since we wont provide you the items on the bus. that is all i have to say for now, if you need to ask questions, please do so in the prefect's lounge. with that, id like to thank you all for giving me your attention."

jeonghan ended with panting lowly, probably since he didnt stop to take a breath while saying all that. he glanced at the professor and mouthed "thank you, sir!" before proceeding to power walk from the podium to the exit door. "you heard him, do participate in the educational trip. anyways, lets go back to our lesson,"

while professor yang was busy talking about mathematics this and mathematics that, woozi was deciding if he should go or not.

should i go? i mean, is hoshi going? well he probably would, right? he would never miss the moment to capture me sleeping and watching my every- okay stop thinking about that dude! whats the point of me going if i only want to entertain hoshi? well maybe ill go if wonwoo's going! yeah! thats the perfect idea! but thinking about it again.. it is winter and its fucking negative celsius out there. oh my gosh we probably have to walk thousands of miles to explore daegu! im too lazy and fragile for that! maybe i shouldnt go? but what if wonwoo doesnt have any other friends?! or, he maybe does has friends? well he has mingyu anyway. actually, i just wont go! mhm! thats right! you are such a genius, lee woozi!

"mister lee woozi! are your daydreams more important than paying attention to my lecture?" professor yang shouted, and all eyes was on him. including hoshi, too!

the said student jumped at the suddenness and panicked. "no! i was listening to you the whole time!" he lied. professor yang squinted his eyes, "really? then what did i say just a few moments ago?"

with that question, woozi went silent, pursing his cherry lips. "thats what i thought. maybe pay a bit more attention, and you wont fail mathematics this year, ay?" okay, woozi understood. but the professor didnt have to embarrass him like that! woozi swore he could hear giggles from those stuck up, nosy girls in the row behind him.

the midget looked down in shame, he wanted to cry out of embarrassment. woozi was rethinking about all of his choices from birth, all the way until this moment right here. until he felt an a finger poke on the side of his arm.

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