Chapter 6

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"Oh, hEy kevinnn," I squeak, trying to act unphased.

"What do you want Chan?" he grunts.

"Oh... ok, that actually makes everything a lot easier," I let out a sigh of relief, silently celebrating the fact I wouldn't have to suck up to my manager any longer. "So, you know the new intern?"

"Oh, don't worry about that," he assures, tapping me on the back as I look around in confusion.

"But I haven't said anythi-"

"I've already filed a complaint, there's nothing we can do now except wait," he scrambles through his pockets, passing over a crumpled up form and I begin to read a random line aloud.

"Her hair is so bright, if I didn't send a complaint now, NASA might have to," I stifle laughter, directing my attention to another random line. "Linda's hair is becoming a distraction within our work environment, many christians expressing concerns about her close resemblance to Jesus descending from heaven due to the brightness of the green dye."

"No." I chortle, handing him back the form, my face turning red as I attempt not to let out a gust of laughter as he opens up his phone, unamused. "I meant, the other one, Sophie."

"Mhm?" He prompts me to continue, not even looking up.

"If she comes on the trip this Saturday, can she have time off for the rest of next week?" I blurt out.

"Well I don't need any help, but you can ask Bert if he does," he murmurs. " I don't mind if she comes, as long as she's useful and nobody finds out you're dating."

"We're not-"

"Whatever you say, just shut up about it, don't tell anyone," he grumbles.

"Isn't Bert a video-er guy tho?"

"Videographer?" He scoffs, finally putting his phone down.

"Yeah that," I plaster a smile on my face. "How's she going to help him?"

"I don't know, you're going to talk to him aren't you?" He grunts and, as obviously neither of us want to be in this conversation right now, I leave. "He's at lunch right now."

Tech crew scares me. The girls are fine... just really quiet. The guys are the problem. I don't know the last time one of them put deodorant on, or for that matter, showered. They trade pokemon cards at lunch and I swear I hear them debating 'Onlyfans vs Twitter' more often than not.

As I walk over to their table, they stare directly at me, most of them halfway through mouthfuls of food, noodles and vegetables covering their chins. I direct my vision across the table at Bert, noticing him with a food soaked bib tied around his neck, his hands oily with the remains of chicken that didn't make it into his mouth.

"Bert," I grin awkwardly, staying an appropriate distance away from him.

"Bangchan," he responds bluntly.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point," I announce as Bert coughs, a noodle being launched across the room. "So, I know you're on the trip this weekend, would you want an intern to come along and help you with the cameras or anything?"

"No." He splutters. "I'm gonna need to pick up my eyedrops if I have to deal with the glow for long periods of time."

"The glow?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest.

"Her hair." He responds quickly.

"Oh, no no no. I meant the other one," I explain, realising I might need to start clarifying which intern I'm discussing more often.

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