Chapter 17 Part I

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"So, why do you want to work here?" The younger boy with a face full of pimples questions from the other side of the desk.

"Well, I practically live off of fried chicken... and this is the place I always buy from, so..." I smile awkwardly, staring at a huge throbbing zit above his eyebrow.

Why the fuck am I here? I understand that this is the logical next step... well it's the only job in this damn city I'm qualified for... but this whole interview is shit, completely stupid... I mean, the kid interviewing me is half my age.

"That's... great!" He chuckles back, obviously enjoying this experience just as much as I am. "So, what is your schedule like, are you a stude-"

My phone buzzes, the phone screen lighting up.

We both look over to it and I sit up in my chair, attempting to read the notification whilst still trying not to make it obvious. You can't blame me, our prac marks were supposed to be out a week ago... they could come out at any given moment.

"It's fine, you can check," he gives me a nod, continuing to look over at my phone. That's actually quite polite of him... but who is he to tell me what to do? He's half my age for fucks sake.

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood.

I slide my phone off of the table without a reply, checking what the message is. It's an email.


Shit ok... this is nerve racking... don't worry, I literally had a proper producer help me with this, I am completely fine. There's no way I'm getting kicked off of my scholarship anytime soon. Just breathe.

"15%!" I yell, jumping out of my seat. "WHAT THE FUCK."

"Uhm," the boy stutters, utter fear on his face as he moves his chair away from me.

"FUCK ME," I shout, tears quickly streaming down my face. "THERE GOES MY SCHOLARSHIP."

"I think it's best you leave," the kid utters in between my uncontrollable cries.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK," I growl back, practically throwing my chair back into the table as I walk out of the room. Racing out of the building, I attempt to compose myself as I walk past the staff and customers. It's still completely obvious to others that I'm crying... it's evident the way everyone is looking at me and the fact that my whole face is bright red with tears still streaming down my cheeks doesn't help.

The moment I exit the building, I completely break down, curling into a little ball on the sidewalk. Everything I had worked so hard for... gone. Coming to Korea was a complete waste of time, I'm done for... I'm probably going to have to go back home. Fuck.

I take my phone out of my pocket, since stupid me left the rest of my shit at Chris', and I begin scrolling through my recents, looking for Lin's contact.

I was going to call Chris or Hyunjin, but after what happened last night... I think Lin is the way to go. Overnight Chris has sent me... exactly 21 messages and 5 missed calls... I haven't replied to even one of them. I feel bad, of course I do but... I don't have it in me to talk to him, especially now. I really shouldn't have told him about the video in the first place.

I finally find Lin's contact, immediately pressing on the call button before bringing the speaker up to my ear, awaiting her voice.

"Hey, what's up?" Lin greets me, the dial tone immediately stopping.

"H-hey um..." I breathe, trying to stop my voice from being so shaky. "Can you pick me up?"

"Yeah, of course, you ok?" She asks.

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