Chapter 15 : Daddy, I'm Sorry.

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Chapter 15 : Daddy, I'm Sorry.

Amid the chaos of Marineford's battle ground, where the clash of powers and the roar of destruction filled the air, you felt a mix of hope and desperation surging within you. The battle was intense, and you were determined to protect your younger brothers, Luffy and Ace, at all costs.

As you focused on the battle unfolding around you, a sharp pang of concern shot through your chest when you spotted Akainu, the magma-powered admiral, charging after your brothers. Your heart raced as you watched Ace come to a sudden halt, his expression shifting from determination to shock and anger. Akainu's callous words, insulting Whitebeard, had clearly struck a nerve with him.

In a bold and impulsive move, Ace had tried to challenge Akainu. The anger in his eyes was evident as he stood his ground, ready to confront the admiral who had taken the life of his adoptive father.

But, amidst the chaos, a flicker of relief swept over you as you observed Sabo, the third member of your trio of brothers, taking action. His strategic mind prevailed as he utilized his Haki to swiftly knock Ace out, making sure he wouldn't endanger himself recklessly.

With Ace unconscious, Sabo skillfully carried him over his shoulders, his determination clear in his eyes. Sabo's intervention proved crucial, especially in the face of Akainu's imminent attack. As Sabo turned his body around, his gaze caught Luffy's frantic movements. Luffy was desperately reaching for Ace's vivre card, a lifeline that connected them.

The vivre card represented the life force of its owner, and it was clear that Luffy was trying to ensure Ace's safety.

But as Akainu prepared to launch his devastating lava-infused strike towards Luffy, Sabo found himself in a difficult situation. Holding onto Ace, he couldn't react quickly enough to shield Luffy from the impending danger. It seemed as if all hope was lost, the weight of the moment pressing heavily on your chest.

However, in your peripheral vision, a sudden movement caught your attention. You turned your gaze and locked eyes with a mysterious figure. Standing at an imposing seven feet tall, cloaked in a dark hood, the figure's grin sent shivers down your spine.

Your heart raced, and your intuition screamed that this figure was the same one you had encountered in your previous life. The unsettling feeling intensified as you sensed an aura of power and darkness radiating from them.

Dread clenched your heart as you recognized the figure for who they were. Death incarnate, a force that could claim souls and strike fear into the bravest of hearts. But you weren't going to let death take your little brothers. You were resolved to prevent any deals from being made, to keep them safe from the clutches of the unknown figure.

Determination surged within you, a fierce and unyielding determination that tapped into the full extent of your abilities. You summoned every ounce of power within you, every possibility, to bridge the distance between you and your brothers as swiftly as possible.

Your heart pounded in rhythm with your steps as you raced forward, every fiber of your being focused on reaching them in time.

Yet, as you extended your arm, ready to use your water manipulation to restrain Akainu, a searing pain erupted in your abdomen. The burning sensation spread like wildfire, momentarily overwhelming your ability to control your powers. You hissed in pain, your body instinctively shifting, but the attempt to transform into water was stifled by the intensity of the agony.

But in the midst of your pain, your resolve remained unwavering. You let out a resounding roar, a primal expression of your determination to protect your brothers. In a breathtaking display of power, your form transformed back into your full human self, the air around you crackling with energy. In a blink of an eye, you positioned yourself between Akainu and Luffy, your arms spread protectively.

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