Bombing at the Agency

514 19 10

(Y/n) POV

It was quiet... A little too quiet. You felt the side of your bed grow cold, opening your eyes to see that there was an extra pillow near your own. And that the blankets weren't really covering your body, you groan in annoyance to know who did this. You slowly got out of bed and started to brush your teeth, and then cleaned your face.

After doing that, you decided it was better to get ready. As you changed your clothes and did your hair, you place your spider lily hairpin in your bun, letting it sit before leaving two long thin pieces of your hair behind your back before going into the kitchen. You didn't actually feel like using the stove at all, so you just ate a small protein bar instead. You went to grab a drink from the fridge, but your phone began to ring, and with that annoying voice, you instantly knew who was calling you.

"Your phone's ringing. Your phone's ringing! Hey, come on! Hey! (Y/n)-chan~ Your phone's—"

"What?" You asked, not wanting to deal with the shenanigans Dazai was now doing.

"Hey! (Y/n)-chan! It's so good to hear your lovely voice in the morning. Goodo morning!"

"Cut to the chase, Dazai. What did you do this time?"

"Awww, you're that worried 'bout little ol' me?" You wasn't there to see him physically, but you could tell that he was making a pouty face.

"You're the one who called me first, damn it!" You irked.

"Right, right, sorry." He apologized. "So I tried this new form of suicide and well... It didn't go well as planned."

"Oh, my God..." You placed your fingers under on your temple, feeling like this man will literally kill you from his stupidity about suicide. "And?"

"I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Fantastic news! You're finally doing it!" You say with no enthusiasm at all.

"B-Belladonna! Pl-Please be reasonable! I need help and I don't think that I'll be able to get out of this!" His voice sounded rushed and I heard an echo as he continued to talk.

"S-Sorry, Dazai! Can't hear you! I think you're breaking up! Call me when you see Satan!"


"Have a pure, cheerful, and energetic suicide!" You say with a hint of sarcasm as you use his own personal motto against him before hanging up the phone.


After hanging up on Dazai, you place your phone on the counter, taking a deep breath before looking at the floor. "He'll be alright. He's always is, no matter the situation... Oh, Oda, what am I gonna do with him?" You tell myself that, knowing that no matter how many times Dazai tries to kill himself, he always ends up failing. You just played with your necklace, feeling the rings touch your fingers. But your peace was somehow gone when you heard your phone ring again. Not even checking on who's the caller, you aggressively answered it, thinking it was Dazai again. "Damn it, you waste of space! Why can't you die a little faster so I don't have to deal with you crap anymore!?!"

"...And a good morning to you too, (Y/n)..." You freeze in fear, hearing the deep voice through the phone. You covered your mouth in embarrassment since you recognized this deep voice.

"P-President! I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't know that you were calling me!" Why does your face go red whenever you hear his voice?

"It's fine, (Y/n). Got into another fight with Dazai, I assume?"

"Y-Yes... He called me before you called so I assumed it was him again. Heh heh." You laugh nervously, wanting this moment to pass already now because you made a huge wrong impression with the President in the morning. This was not the start of a good day!

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