If Only We Could Go Back...

186 8 1

3rd POV

     "Ango Sakaguchi... Intelligence officer of the Port Mafia... A man both accomplished and mysterious. Truth is...none of us know very much about you."

In a old restaurant called Western-style Food and Curry Freedom, the couple began to eat their meals. Oda was having spicy curry while (Y/n) had regular. But she was curious about how good the spicy curry was and asked for some.

Oda gave her a spoonful and she immediately regretted it. When feeling that her mouth was on fire, (Y/n) leaned against the counter and grabbed the giant glass of water, chugging it down like it was the last glass of water in existence. She gulped it all down and placed the glass on the counter when finished.

"I don't understand how you can like spicy curry, Odasaku..." (Y/n) says, feeling her tongue burning a bit.

"It's good." He replied, not seeing the issue.

"How's the curry today, you two?" The owner of the restaurant asked.

"The same as usual." Oda told him.

"Nothing new, but it's still good."

"You both seem down today. What's wrong?" Asked the owner, seeing how their eyes didn't match their tones.

"Sister." (Y/n) answered, not wanting to talk about Kouyou.

"Her sister disapproves of me and tried to attack me earlier today." Oda bluntly stated.

"Ouch. Well, family can be like that sometimes. It's just their way of protecting the ones they love, even if it's not the right way to do it." The owner chuckled, feeling bad for Oda.

"Speaking of family, how're the kids doing?"

"Same as usual. Nothing new, but it's still good." The owner responded, repeating the same words the couple said earlier. (Y/n)'s eyes perked up when she heard about the kids. "They're all upstairs if you wanna say hello."

(Y/n)'s smile grew as she got up from her seat and pulled Oda's arm. "Odasaku, come on!"

Oda laughed. "Okay, okay." The two walk outside of the restaurant and walk up to the second floor of the restaurant, seeing five pair of shoes on their way in. At the end of the hall at the last door on the left, Oda was the first to speak. "It's us. We're coming in."

Oda opens the door and (Y/n) is the first to greet them. "Kids, how's it going?" The kids said nothing at all as they continued to do their own thing. "Sakura-chan, Katsumi-kun, Yu-kun, Shinji-kun, Kosuke-kun, don't ignore me..."

"You bein' nice to the old geezer?" Oda asked, wondering why they were ignoring them.

"Hm? Where's Kosuke-kun?" (Y/n) questions, seeing only four children instead of five.

Katsumi threw his baseball in its glove and a large bump was on the top bed of the bunk bed, Oda stared straightly at it and the missing kid that was Kosuke revealed himself from under the blanket and tackled Oda from the back.

"I got ya now buddy!"

"What the f—" (Y/n) exclaimed, being interrupted when a baseball hit Oda's head making him fall on his back. "Odasaku!"

The other kids saw that Oda was down and quickly tackled (Y/n) to the floor. "Hahaha!"



When the kids got the adults cornered, (Y/n) and Oda both noticed the position they were in, (Y/n) was currently on top of Oda and they were both a blushing mess.

However, this moment was ruined as the kids got on top of them. "Wow, that was easy!" Kosuke comments, seeing how they were able to catch the couple off guard and pinned them to the floor. "Ya give up?!"

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