Oh, The Mafia's After You? Don't Worry About It!

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(Y/n) POV

     There was no doubt in your mind that the mafia'll strike again. They are like starving carnivorous animals; they'll always come back for more after they already had their filling. It might be better to train Atsushi now so he doesn't need you guys to protect him all the time... But you're not the best option to train him because he'll mostly die from injuries or worse, your sadistic instincts will kick in if he messes up once and the poor boy has already suffered enough through the orphanage.

What to do? "(Y/n)-san, are you okay?" You hear Kunikida ask, his glasses were on top his head and his notebook was upside down. Maybe...

"Yes, just worried for Atsushi-kun. Ever since he joined, the mafia's been on our asses because of that bounty on the black market. We can't keep protecting him, he needs to learn to stand up for himself and to fight back."

"What do you suggest then?"

"You train him."


"Face it, Kunikida-san, you're the President's protégé. You can handle this way better than I can and I know that you can do a great job training him." You explain, hoping for him to agree.

Kunikida had an unsure look when you said that, but sighed in defeat before turning to look at his upside down notebook. "Fine. I'll try, but if it doesn't work out, you'll do it."

"Deal, just don't blame me when you see him coughing up blood and is about to be half dead."

"I'm sorry, what?"


3rd POV

"'Take the weretiger alive'... I'm the one you're after?" Atsushi questioned.

"But of course. The objective of this mission has always been you and you alone, weretiger. Your friends got caught in the crossfire. Just an unfortunate consequence."

Atsushi gasped, understanding that he was the problem. "All this is because of me?"

"Indeed... That is your karma, weretiger. Your life is bound to cause only misfortune to those around you."

That's my...karma?" He was speechless.

"Special ability... Rashoumon!" Akutagawa releases his ability as it charges at Atsushi before Atsushi completely wakes up.

Atsushi gasped in fear as the cold sweat was dripping from his body. "What happened...? Where am I?" The room he was in happened to look like a doctor's office.

Atsushi was trying to comprehend what just happened, hearing Kunikida talk. "So you've finally come to..."

"Kunikida-san... (Y/n)-san..." He sat up straight.

"Damn it, kid. I can't believe you pulled that stunt and at such a busy time. (Y/n)-san was worried about you, regretting about sending you and the Tanizaki siblings at the time."

As he said that, Atsushi then recalls what happened. "I was...attacked by the Mafia." He then remembered that Naomi and Junichiro were badly injured by them. "I remember! Kunikida-san, (Y/n)-san, are Junichiro-san and Naomi-san...?!"

"They're fine, Atsushi-kun. Naomi is already treated and Junichiro is about to be treated as we speak. Don't worry, it's all fine." (Y/n) told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Yosano-sensei is treating Tanizaki next door." Kunikida adds.

Followed by a huge scream of torture next door from where Yosano was "treating" Junichiro. Only to hear a small moan after that and it stayed quiet later.

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