The Battle Between Three Companies

178 14 2

3rd POV

     "Flowers that bloom within the darkness can only be at peace within the darkness..."

In a beautiful sunny day, Mori was with a member of the Port Mafia, admiring the flower petals that fell from the trees.

"Falling flower petals are so beautiful." He comments.

The woman he was with then unsheathes her katana from her umbrella and slices a flower petal in half with such ease. "There is no need to let blossoms fall before they bloom."

In Dazai and (Y/n)'s shared apartment, (Y/n) was cooking breakfast while Dazai was still drowsy as he sat at the table. Dazai was able to stay awake due to the smell of food that he felt his mouth drooling from the scent alone.

"Here." (Y/n) placed two plates down and presented two fluffy pancakes that had butter and syrup on each plate.

"Ohhh!" Dazai was fully awake now and his eyes gleamed in joy. "You switching the menu today?"

"Yeah. I saw a recipe on how to make these on the computer and decided to give it a try."

"Well, I bet they're as delicious as they look. Thanks for the meal!" Dazai started to dig in and he was basically moaning by how good they tasted. "So good! I see you are getting better at using the stove."

(Y/n) smiled, getting up to feed Rokuzou's fish, naming it Yasu. "It still scares me, but it's only a little flame so it can't hurt me. As long as I keep an eye on the food, it's okay." After Dazai fully ate his food, he started to check files that were about Kyouka. (Y/n) just started to eat her food and noticed that Dazai was just checking some documents. "Hey! We said no work while we're eating."

"Sorry." He apologized. "It's just about Kyouka-chan and her parents."

"Dazai, please, I just started eating." (Y/n) spats, not wanting to talk about this.

He sighed in frustration, "You can't keep hating her forever, you know? She's wanting to change. We were just like her when we escaped the Port Mafia. Just give her a chance to prove it. Remember, she's nothing like you." Dazai tells her, hearing his phone ringing and getting a call from Atsushi. He answers, "Yes... N-No way..."


Dazai was currently holding his laughter as he continued to listen to Atsushi. "Okay...pfft! Thanks!" Dazai's face was red due to him holding his laughter.

"What happened?" (Y/n) asked, not really wanting to know, but curiosity got the better of her.

"Atsushi-kun just called and said that Kyouka-chan's first job was to deliver some a courthouse! And she ended up electrifying the judge! Hahahahahahaha!"

(Y/n) just deadpanned, knowing that this was not proving Dazai's point about how Kyouka was nothing like her, (Y/n) did the exact same thing when she first started working at the Agency. She also electrified a judge when delivering some documents as well; it was her first mission.

"So much for saying that she and I aren't alike."

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Dazai fell on his back and clutched his stomach as he continued to laugh.

"...Hey, how about you die from laughter? That'll be better than your suicidal attempts!" She sarcastically replied.

"I can't breathe! I'm gonna pee!"


"Sorry...! Sorry." Dazai got the laughter out of his system. "I just never thought that you two would have much more things in common than I thought. Must be destiny that brought her here."

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