The Aftermath

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3rd POV

'We made it back alive.' Atsushi tells himself, seeing the Agency's door in front of him, worried to even open the door because he didn't know how to face the others because of Kyouka. 'Still... I wonder if the Agency can look past the people Kyouka-chan's murdered. What'll I do if she and the Agency are hostile towards each other?'

Atsushi finally opened the door. "Good morning, everyone..." He was then greeted to see Kyouka in a maid outfit and most of the members were admiring how Kyouka looked.

"Now could you turn around for me?" Naomi begged. Kyouka jumped in the air and delivered a fast spin before facing the other way. Everyone looked at her in awe and Naomi was just dying of cuteness. "So cuuuute!"

Atsushi got closer and whispered to Junichiro who was currently taking pictures of Kyouka. "What is going on here?"

"It's pretty amazing, right? She looks so incredible in just about anything!"

"That's...not what I meant..." Atushsi then turned to Kunikida who was doing his work. "Kunikida-san...

"Don't blame this on me. You wanted to save her."

"Is this really all right?" Atsushi questioned.

"Yeah, I'm not sure myself..." Junichiro admitted.

"Even if everyone else is fine with it, Ranpo-san's a real stickler for the rules."

"Oh...don't worry about him."

Ranpo then came in, holding a paper bag of sweets. "I'm back! Look what I brought!" He rushes over to Kyouka and pulls out a bag of candy.

"Ranpo-san's actually into it the most."

"This is the snack that changed color when you mix it. Go ahead, try it!" He gives Kyouka the bag and she gasps in awe. "First, open the bag, okay. Then put the two pouches of powder in the container..."

"They're like children. Young ones." Atsushi commented.

"...mix really well." Ranpo continued. "You wanna put all your heart into it. Then mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix... And finally...look at what you get!"

Kyouka looks at the candy and see that it was a beautiful pink color with tiny toppings on it. "Ooh..."

"Lemme try a little bite." Ranpo Pac-Man styled ate the whole thing, shocking everyone for eating it all instead of leaving a piece for Kyouka.

"Children is right..." Junichiro agreed.

"Um..." A voice was heard, making Junichiro and Atsushi to look back. (Y/n) appeared and she didn't look happy. "Why is she here? I thought you sent her to the station."

"I-I, well..." Atsushi stuttered. "Something came up and someone requested for her to come here."

"It was me." Fukuzawa announced, making his presence known to everyone.


He walked into the room, "What's our current status?"

"The Port Mafia erased her identity," Kunikida clarified. "So the police haven't found her yet, sir."

"I'm sure they'll label her a fugitive soon enough."

Kyouka then approached Fukuzawa with a determined look on her face. "Please let me stay here."

"Huh?!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"I'll do anything." Kyouka offered, not wanting to leave the Agency since they treated her right and cared for her.

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