So America's Here and...

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3rd POV

    'Do I smell miso soup?' Atsushi thought when he wakes up by the smell of food. He looked to his left and sees Kyouka bowing her head down as she presented a table of food next to her. He jumped a bit to see her here.

"Good morning." She says before sitting up straight.

Atsushi was then scared for a second until his confusion took over. "Huh?" After going to the Agency, he then confronts Dazai by this mixup because he knows she's his responsibility, but living together is a different story. "Why are the two of us roommates?!"

"We just don't have any more space." Dazai stated.


"She was happy to do it." Dazai adds.

"Ordered to." Kyouka corrected.

"You understand, Atsushi-kun." Dazai motions for him to come closer in a gay way.

"No, I don't."

Dazai then whispered, "Well, the poor girl has no family. She's all alone in the world. The Port Mafia might send assassins for her."

"That's true." Atsushi agreed, worried that they'll actually harm Kyouka.

"You must protect her."

"I understand. I'll do my best!" Atsushi replied, not knowing he was being tricked by Dazai. Dazai had a goofy look on his face when he turned to face the other way.

"Instead of messing with Atsushi-kun, you can at least write your report about your abduction, Dazai." (Y/n) informs, trying to learn more about the Guild.

Dazai ignored her and turned to face Atsushi again in a serious manner, "Heh, heh, heh. Atsushi-kun..."


"I want you to write a report for me."

"Huh?" Atsushi just stared at Dazai in disbelief.

"It's going to be all about the person who placed the bounty on your head." He clarified.

"You know who that is?"

Dazai then passes a file to Atsushi, letting Atsushi get a chance to read it. "Going off the Port Mafia's records that (Y/n)-chan obtained, it looks like it was the leader of an American organization of the gifted called The Guild."

Kunikida was surprised to hear this. "I thought they were just an urban legend. It's said their members hold key positions in finance, politics, and the military, allowing them to utilize their vast influence for nefarious purposes. What would a group like that want with Atsushi?"

"Who knows? But snobby rich people aren't gonna get what they want, even if they gave us a million bucks for Atsushi-kun." (Y/n) says, showing her hatred for rich people in her voice.

"You don't like the rich, do you?" Atsushi questioned.

"I grew up poor and my favorite toy was a knife, you solve the rest of the puzzle." She states with no hesitation, shocking the others except Dazai

Before Atsushi could even speak, they hear the sound of a helicopter from outside. Junichiro bursts through the door and yells at them to catch their attention.

"You've all gotta come see this!"

They run to the top of the building to see a helicopter parking in the middle of the road in front of the Agency, stopping traffic from continuing on. What a bunch of assholes.

"Guess our report'll have to wait." Dazai mentioned, seeing three people come out of the helicopter.

(Y/n) just scoffed, "Damn rich people..."

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