The Port Mafia and The Guild Step Up

193 14 13

3rd POV

     Dazai, (Y/n) and Atsushi waited near the train station to pick up Haruno and Naomi before the Guild gets them. Dazai was currently having a duel out against man's best friend.

"Seeing the likes of you once a cheerless backwater spot like this... You're hell-bent on settling this score, are you not?" Dazai questions, facing off a cute little dog. The dog barks at him, reverting Dazai to back away a bit, pulling something from his coat. "Whoa there! You've got spirit, but it's hopeless! I have an ace up my sleeve. Look!"

It was a bag of dog treats... The dog started to slobber when seeing them that it wanted to eat one at least.

(Y/n) looked at Dazai with a deadpan expression, "Dazai... Do you seriously carry a bag of dog treats around wherever you go?"

"Ha ha ha! You want some, boy? You do, don't you?" Dazai baby-talked to the dog and crouched down, opening the bag and pouring some of the treats into his hand. The dog waited patiently to be fed until Dazai closed his hand that held the treats, opening it again to show that it was gone. The dog was stunned by the disappearance, it tried to look for the missing treat. Dazai just laughed and declared himself victorious, "Such is the difference in talent here! Victory is mine."

(Y/n) and Atsushi just looked at Dazai like he was a psychopath who was talking to his imaginary friend or dead husband. Who knows what goes on through his head?

"You're insane, ya know? Don't tease the poor dog like that." (Y/n) scolded.

"Fine." Dazai was about to leave until he clenched his fist again and opened it to reveal the dog treat again, the dog was spellbound by this sorcery. However, Dazai ate the dog treat in front of the dog. "Hopefully you've had enough. No more barking at me on the street, if you could."

"I know you hate dogs, but don't bully them like that." (Y/n) told him, feeling sorry for the dog.

"Well, my dear Belladonna, they are much trickier foes than any human." Dazai told her, eating the dog treats like they were a snack.

"Please resolve into eating Scooby Snacks!" She begged, not wanting to see him eating dog food. "That's unhygienic and unhealthy!"

"It's good! Wanna taste~?"

"Hell no!"

"Not even if I fed it to you—" He got slapped. "...Sorry."

Atsushi just sighed, ignoring the two and eyed the train tracks. "Still no sign of the train yet... Hope they're okay."

"The head of Port Mafia embodies efficiency." Dazai adds, "You can definitely count on Mori-san for a number of things. And that includes taking advantage of our weak spots especially while we have our guard down.

"Do you think that he'll start to get cocky and do something drastic?" (Y/n) asked, nervous about what Mori would do next.

"Probably, but it's peaceful now so it probably won't happen until later." Dazai assures, putting the bag down and noticing the dog from around the corner. "I'm bored!"

"Just stay put, we need to make sure Naomi-chan and Haruno-chan are okay." (Y/n) reminded.

"I knoooow...but—I got it! Wanna play rock paper scissors, (Y/n)-chan?"

"Huh? What's so fun about playing a boring, childish game?"

"Because every time the loser loses, they have to strip one piece of clothing off." Dazai raised his voice before finishing his sentence in a quiet tone to add some flair. This sparked (Y/n) because she was interested to see Dazai lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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