Been Spending Most Our Lives Living in a Yokohoma Gangster Paradise

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3rd POV

     Junichiro Tanizaki was giving Atsushi Nakajima an apology for how he treated him lately although it was just a role he was playing to get Atsushi to make the right decision. His hands hit the table as he lowered his head to Atsushi to prove how guilty he felt.

"I... I... I'm really sorry!" Atsushi was somehow surprised by this, he didn't know what to think about it.

The gang was at the Uzumaki Cafe that was beneath the Agency office, eating and drinking what they offered. Atsushi was sitting across of Junichiro and Naomi in a seat booth as Kunikida, Dazai, and (Y/n) were sitting at the counter as the waitress of the cafe was washing coffee cups.


"I know it was for a test, but I was still really rude to you. I'm sort of an assistant here at the Agency. My name's Junichiro Tanizaki. Can you ever forgive me?"

"It's fine." Atsushi assured. "Don't worry about it!" He smiled at the sudden change from Junichiro, he was glad that he was kind to him.

'He seems like a nice enough person.'

"And this here is—" Junichiro was about to introduce Naomi, but she butted into the conversation, doing it herself as she hugged Junichiro close.

"His little sister, Naomi!"

Atsushi looked puzzled, seeing how they looked nothing alike to be related. " two are brother and sister? For some reason I thought you had a different relationship."

Naomi smirked as she was getting all handsy with Junichiro. "Oh? You think I'm lying? There's absolutely no doubt that we're related to each other. None at all." Her hand went under his shirt as she started doing who needs to know to Junichiro and he didn't even fight back at all despite how uncomfortable he was feeling. "The two of us are more similar than you'd think. Right, Nii-sama?"

Atsushi couldn't look away as he felt embarrassed to see what was happening in front of him as Naomi got on top of Junichiro. "Uh, hang on..."

Kunikida then butted in, "You'll leave this subject alone if you know what's good for you."


"Listen closely, kid. Now that you have joined our ranks, you should try to act accordingly." Kunikida turned to the Tanizaki siblings, shouting out loud to get them to stop from getting to whatever the hell they're doing. "Unlike some people here I could mention! I work to uphold the Agency's good name."


"We are committed to that goal. Well, at least some of us are. Right...Dazai? (Y/n)-san?" Kunikida looks back, seeing how Dazai was caressing (Y/n)'s hands.

"Would you strangle me with these beautiful delicate hands, (Y/n)-chan?" Dazai asked, getting rather too close to (Y/n) much to Kunikida's dismay. (Y/n) was about to punch him in the head, only for Kunikida to beat her to the punch. Literally.

"Were you listening to a single word I just said?! My hands might not be as nice as (Y/n)-san's, but if you're looking for someone to break your neck, I think that honor should go to me!!! Wouldn't you say?!" Kunikida blurts out while strangling Dazai's neck, unknowing that (Y/n) was about to smack the both of them for ruining the Agency's good name and for taking the chance to strangle Dazai away from her.

"Hey! That honor belongs to me! He asked me first and I'll gladly give him what he wants!" It was technically a tug-of-war game, but Dazai was the rope in this situation. He was having a bi-panic attack as they kept pulling on his arms, like two girls fighting over the same guy, not even wanting to let go at all. This made Atsushi change the subject with a question of what they all did before joining.

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