Is It Just Love Or Just Your Ideals?

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3rd POV

Previously on Bungo Stray Dogs, Kunikida conducted a meeting in the conference room with the remaining members of the Agency as he explained the latest case they just received.

"A mysterious criminal group is threatening to detonate a bomb somewhere in the city. Not only that, they've launched a smear campaign against our agency."

"Sounds like we're caught between a rock and a hard place." Yosano stated, reading the files they have. "Do you have any helpful information on where the bomb might be?"

"Not much." Kunikida answered honestly. "Right now all we have to go in is the message left by the perpetrator. Here it is..." He started to read what the message said, "'Greetings, I hope that the Armed Detective Agency and its members are faring well. Forgive my impudence, but I have placed a bomb capable of causing mass destruction in a certain location here in Yokohama. Since you claim to be an agency aimed at securing public safety, I request you locate and disarm the bomb as soon as you can. You only have until sundown. I wish you the best of luck. I have full faith in your abilities. Respectfully, the Azure Messenger.'"

"A strange signature." Fukuzawa pointed out. "Who is the Azure Messenger?"

"We don't know, yet."

"This bomb could ruin us." Yosano mentioned. "It's rigged specifically to make our team look bad. He's setting us up so that if we fail his challenge, everyone will hold us responsible for the damages instead of them."

"Damn it all." (Y/n) slammed her fist against the table. "As much as I hate to disagree, but Yosano-san has a point. This failure will spread like a wildfire if we don't manage to stop it in time. And people would rather pin the blame on us because we failed to save them despite us trying to, that's just how the world works nowadays and I hate it."

"The bomb could be anywhere." Haruno said. "The office staff has been scouring the city for it. But there are too many possibilities."

Then Kenji raised his hand, "Hey... I bet Ranpo-san could help. Have we had any luck getting in touch with him?"

"It seems he's still busy with the case in Kyushu. I've asked him to contact us as soon as possible, but we need leads right now." Haruno told Kenji.

"Did you get any information from the taxi driver?" Fukuzawa asked Kunikida.

"Unfortunately, no. He denies any knowledge of the bomb. I believe him. I don't think he's the type to try to blow up Yokohama."

(Y/n) raised her hand, proving Kunikida's was right because she got the same information from a friend of hers. "I also agree with Kunikida-san because the police turned him over to a friend of mine whose above the military police and he states that the driver denies about the bomb and where it's planted, no matter how much torture the driver endured and my friend also believes that the driver doesn't know."

"Out of curiosity, where does your friend work?" Kunikida asked, curious by who she was talking about and concerned if he really tortured the driver just to get information about the bomb. This made him feel uncomfortable about the last part.

"No idea. He prefers to keep it secret, but I know that he works under the government." She shook her head in response, not truly knowing what Jouno does, but's determined to find out one day because he was mysterious to her just as much as she was to him.

Fukuzawa nodded. "Okay then, listen up! This is a cowardly act. Someone's endangering lives just to bring down the Armed Detective Agency. We have two objectives: uncover the Azure Messenger, whoever this person is, and disarm the bomb they've set. The bomb takes priority because of its deadly potential. If we can't find the bomb, it will destroy innocent well as the hard-earned reputation of our agency. Everything is at stake for us in this case. It's a full test of our skills as a detective agency." He announced and everyone got up from their seats, now going to do everything in their power to find that bomb before it detonates and destroys all of Yokohama.

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