In Our Dark Age...

299 9 13

3rd POV

In a foggy and dark alleyway, a tall man walks until he reaches a bar called Lupin. When arriving, he meets a brunet and a redhead. "Odasaku! What's up?" The brunet greeted, hitting his glass cup with his index finger, making a clink sound.

The calico cat next to the redhead then wakes up, stretching its legs and yawning before jumping from its seat.

"Dazai, you idiot. You woke up Sensei!" The redhead exclaimed.

"Hehe, sorry." The brunet named Dazai apologized. "I didn't mean to wake him up, (Y/n)-chan."

"Sensei?" The tall man called Odasaku by Dazai questioned, taking off his coat. "Why'd you call 'im that?"

Sensei sits on another chair away from them, minding his own business before falling back to sleep as Dazai explains why. "Just look how wise he looks. He even gives up his seat when I have guests."

"Obviously he's smarter than you, Dazai." The redhead named (Y/n) mocked, getting a reaction from Dazai.

"That's so mean, (Y/n)-chan! But you're lucky you're so pretty, so I can't argue against you!" He pouted.

She smirked a bit, before turning to face Odasaku. She jumped from her seat and walked over to him, grabbing his arm and nuzzling close to him. Her personality did a real 180 as she was acting all lovey dovey towards the auburn haired male. "Odasaku! Did you miss me? Have you done anything dangerous today? Why haven't you called me lately?!"

Hearts literally formed around her, hugging Odasaku's arm closely and tightly. Dazai somehow felt jealous when he saw that (Y/n) was showing her affection to his best friend instead of him, but he didn't want to ruin this because as much as he wanted (Y/n), her happiness mattered more than his own.

Odasaku just smiled before placing a kiss on (Y/n)'s head. "I missed you. And no, my job isn't that dangerous and my cell died before I got a chance to call you, sorry."

"It's fine. As long as you're here, I'm happy." She assured, not wanting to remove herself from him as she guided him to their seats.

"So you're not gonna believe what happened today." Dazai said, grabbing their attention as he explained about how his day went. "There was a ridiculous shootout inside a warehouse."


"I wound up trading shots with a very energetic group of guys! Their truck featured a machine gun!" Dazai clarified, making his hand look like a gun.

The bartender placed a coaster for Odasaku before placing his drink down.

"Sounds like a rather hairy situation." Odasaku comments, eyeing all those bandages Dazai had. "So...those injuries of yours... I'm assuming you got those from the hail of bullets."

"Actually, it was my own fault because I had to pee and in a rush I tripped right into a ditch." Dazai admitted.

"That so...? I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go..."

"So true." Dazai agreed.

"Ugh." (Y/n) looked at them in disgust when talking about body fluids. "I'll never understand boys..."

'This is Osamu Dazai... An executive in the Port Mafia, a criminal organization.' Odasaku explained in his thoughts.

"In the end, those guys fell right into my trap and ran away crying, even though I barely roughed them up." Dazai complained, poking the ice ball in his drink. "I really thought they'd be able to take me out, but no dice. I was disappointed to say the least."

'We have a saying in the Port Mafia "The biggest misfortune for Dazai's enemies is that they are Dazai's enemies." His body of work is written in darkness and blood. Makes even the members of the Port Mafia tremble. He was practically born to be one of them.'

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