You Can't Save Her

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3rd POV

"My name is Kyouka. I've killed thirty-five people in six months."

Back at the Agency, Atsushi was waiting outside the infirmary for Kyouka to be checked out. Yosano was apparently working and writing a reports about her patient, waiting for Kyouka to come to. Atsushi felt sad to see how Kyouka was killing at a young age and how she tried to kill herself to prevent herself from harming other people, if it hadn't been for him, she would've died.

"My name is Kyouka Izumi. I've killed thirty-five people. I don't wanna kill anybody else ever again! Not ever!"

He was alone with his thoughts until Kunikida snapped him out of it. "Still attracting trouble, are you?"

"Huh?" He looked up to see Kunikida and (Y/n).

"That girl is a lost cause." Kunikida told him. "It seems that her roots as a heartless assassin run much deeper than you know. She's taken out organizations, using her appearance to trick her targets into lowering their guard. She accomplished too much, too quickly. It was only a matter of time before she was caught."

"Yeah, but whoever was taking advantage of her ability is the one to blame!" Atsushi replied.

"Even so, this doesn't change the fact that she was with the Port Mafia. Gifts don't bring happiness to their wielders, Atsushi-kun. They are more like curses than blessings, you and I should know that better than most." (Y/n) informed.

The door opened and Yosano appeared with her regular doctor's attire. "She's awake now."

"Do you think we can question her?" Kunikida asked.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem."

Yosano then left the infirmary as Atsushi, Kunikida, and (Y/n) were at Kyouka's side. "Are you okay?" Atsushi asked, seeing how Kyouka was just staring at the ceiling. "Oh,'re in the infirmary at the Agency. How're ya feeling? You remember who I am, don't you?"

Kyouka said nothing.

"Tell me." Kunikida started. "Who's behind all this? The Port Mafia is like a snake. Unless you cut off its head, it'll just keep coming. Answer me, girl. Who is your superior?"

"Hey, Kunikida-san..."

"Girl, were you ordered to kidnap a suicidal brunet that has bandages around his arms and neck earlier before the bombing incident? If so, is he where I think he is right now?" (Y/n) asked, wanting Kyouka to stop giving them the silent treatment and to answer their questions. "Answer me...!"

"(Y/n)-san...please." Atsushi begged, hoping they give Kyouka a chance to speak.

"Tachibanadou's boiled tofu." Kyouka responded.

"Huh? Tofu?" Atsushi repeated.

"It's good."

"Is that it?" Kunikida asked. "You want us to get you some?"

"I'll talk if you do."

Atsushi smiled. "No problem! It's a deal. Let's go!"

Both Kunikida and (Y/n) both freeze as they look at Atsushi like he was insane. They both whispered at him. "Hey! Are you crazy?!"

"I knew you were an idiot, but not that much of an idiot!"


At a restaurant that serves tofu, Kyouka was just munching away to her heart's content, Atsushi was a nervous wreck as he looked at the menu's prices, Kunikida just drank his tea, and (Y/n) was just looking at her phone to hear about Kyouka's assassinations. Seeing how Kyouka had those eyes before Atsushi saved her.

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