The Reason For Living

184 12 9

3rd POV

"People live to save themselves..."

"Good night...Kosuke." Oda starts to say good night to all the orphan kids he took and cared for as he prepares to leave to fight Mimic, thinking about their bright smiles one last time and making his decision clear that he has no choice left. "Good night...Katsumi. Good night...Yu. Good night...Shinji. Good night...Sakura. Rest in Peace. I'll be off."

"Oda...saku...?" Oda turns to see (Y/n), holding the teddy bear that Sakura carries around, the one (Y/n) gifted to her. She hugs the bear close to her chest as pain was in her eyes, begging him to tell her that the kids are safe and that the fire outside didn't involve them. "Please...tell me they're okay..." Her voice cracked, wanting him to say that when she started to feel tears run down from her face.

Somewhere on a boat in the sea, a meeting was held between the leaders of both the Port Mafia and the Special Operations Division, Ango was with them.

"I'd like to start by thanking you for coming here today. To reiterate, this meeting will be off the record."

"I appreciate your invitation. How does it feel to be back at your original post?" Mori asked, seeing how nervous Ango as he faced a man with glasses and wore a traditional yukata.

"I'll ask you not to torment our junior staff member, if you would. That alright with you, Mr. Bossman?" The bald man in the yukata told off.

"My darling Elise-chan wanted me to bring back some ice cream for her, and I suppose I'll give (Y/n)-chan some as well despite her betraying my trust. Any good suggestions as a government employee, Chief Taneda?" Mori asked.

"Now you're making me feel all warm and toasty. That reminds me actually... I should bring something back for our people. Something they'd really appreciate, like your head on a silver platter." The man called Chief Taneda, threatened, receiving a dark chuckle from Mori as he stared at Chief Taneda like he was going to kill him. They both looked like they wanted to kill each other.

Ango gulped when his sweat reached down from his cheek to his chin, uncomfortable by the aura the two leaders were giving off. "If we may, I'd like to proceed with the negotiations. Of Ougai-san, the Gifted Operations Division had two requests: To begin with, the Port Mafia will yield any interest in myself, and will not harm my person. And secondly, they will dispose of the gifted organization Mimic, who has illegally entered our country."

"I have no qualms regarding the first request. The second one is a bit more difficult, however." Mori pointed out, lying a bit. "After all, they certainly quite a terrifying bunch. Well, can we make it worth our while?"

Chief Taneda glared at Mori before pulling a black envelope from his haori and placing down on the table. Mori let out a smirk, releasing a mild chuckle before letting out a loud evil laugh.

Thunder roared and clouds started to form. At the restaurant, firefighters were putting out the fire of the explosion as many people gathered to see what happened. (Y/n) was crying into Oda's chest, holding the bear when he told her everything, glaring at the thing she hated when she sees the fire being dowsed down. Oda comforted her the best he could as he mourned for the children's deaths too.

She never would've imagined that Mimic would come after them, she didn't want to believe that they were dead. She hated to see the burning heat as the smoke formed when water was poured onto it, remembering the people shouting at her as the flames were rising.

"Odasaku..." It was Dazai. "I know what you're thinking right now. But you can't do it, even if you did, it—"

"'It wouldn't bring the kids back.' That's what you were gonna say, right?" Oda guessed.

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