Ying and Yang

247 11 3

3rd POV

"Speed: Twenty knots, heading out to open sea." Kunikida was out in the sea on the speed boat he was using as he tried to reach the boat before it left he country. "Don't die on me, kid!"

Back with Dazai, he was apparently fighting Chuuya Nakahara. Chuuya threw his coat in the air and charged at Dazai, he tried punching him but Dazai was able to dodge them. When Dazai grabbed Chuuya's wrist and punched him in the gut, Chuuya didn't falter as he returned the punch back but with more force instead.

"You call that a punch?!" Dazai was sent flying before his back was hit against the wall. "That wasn't even a massage. Your martial arts kills are below average for the Port Mafia. It doesn't even matter that I can't use my ability against you. Now get up. The party's only getting started!" Chuuya urged.

Dazai smirked, "Heh... You always were the best at hand to hand combat. But (Y/n)-chan punches harder than that." Dazai got up and made sure his arm that he used to block that punch was fine. "Thought my arm would get destroyed there..."

'He blocked my strike at the last second? He must've predicted it.'

"We've known each other for a long time. I'm very familiar with your moves, pacing, and behavior." Dazai listed, saying how Chuuya was a big threat. "That's what made me a great partner...right?"

Chuuya didn't say anything about that, but he rushed towards Dazai with another fist ready to hit him with. 'He's fast!'

"Then I bet you saw this coming too, didn't ya?!" Chuuya mocked, punching Dazai roughly in the face. He then readies another fist, "Watch closely now! This is how you punch!"

He truly punched Dazai hard in his gut and Dazai coughed up his saliva before Chuuya gripped his neck tightly. "Ahh!"

Chuuya pulls out a knife and nears it to Dazai's throat. "Did you really think you could predict all of my moves? Before I kill you...why did you let yourself get caught? What the hell were you waiting for?"


"Ah. Not talking, huh?" He slowly pushes the knife closer to Dazai's neck. "All right... I'll just enjoy torturing you a bit more."

"The main reason...was for Atsushi-kun." Dazai finally answered.

"Atsushi?" Chuuya questioned.

"The weretiger you're all obsessed about. I wanted to know who was responsible for putting the seven billion price tag on his head."

"You put your own life on the line just for that? Heh. I'd like to say that's a real feel-good story there, but look where you ended up. Seems like a genius like you, the youngest executive in Mafia history, can screw up." Chuuya mocked. "I guess Lady Luck isn't on your side today. It just so happens I caught you on the very day I returned from putting out fires in the West. Heh. Lady Luck must be on my side."

"Heh." Dazai chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"You should probably know this. Tomorrow...the five execs are meeting."

"Impossible." Chuuya said in disbelief because he would've known about this meeting earlier. "They only meet to make decisions about the future of the organization. Critical decisions. And that only happens every few years. If that was happening tomorrow, I would know about it."

"This particular meeting is in regards to a letter I sent them the other day. Allow me to make a prediction. You are not going to kill me after all." Dazai predicted, "Not only that, you're going to give me information before leaving this room, about who's paying the weretiger's bounty. Plus, once you exit, you'll prance and talk like a little rich girl."

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