Damn the Azure Messenger

369 17 9

3rd POV

It was early in the morning and Dazai was just cuddling with (Y/n) in their bed. He kept holding her tightly while (Y/n) was trying to escape his grasp, but failed to do so because he had his arms and legs wrapped around her body like a koala attached to a tree. She felt hot due to their body's heat that she somehow sat up straight, removing herself from the blanket. Dazai laid his head on her back, mumbling in his sleep.

"Nooooo.... Don't go yet..."

"Dazai, get up. We got to get ready for work." She told him, not really wanting to deal with his shenanigans this morning.

"You don't appreciate...mweeee..." He accused, still drowsy.

She groaned, "Geez, would it kill you to let go so that I can get ready?"


"Ugh." With her strength, she finally pushed Dazai away and his back landed on the mattress.


"Get ready and don't think about killing yourself while I'm gone." She told him before getting her clothes and going to the bathroom to take a shower.

But was he going to listen to her? No. He just read his suicide book and immediately got an idea for a new suicide plan. He got up and changed his clothing before leaving without saying another word. Lord have mercy on everyone's souls.

Meanwhile, another member of the Agency was getting ready at the same time as (Y/n). That being Doppo Kunikida.

'What is "the Ideal"?' He asked himself while getting ready. 'The question seems to beget more questions: Is is merely a concept? A lofty notion? Or the goal of all life itself? If you were to ask me, however, the answer is simple. The words rest on the front of my notebook, encasing its meaning.' He puts on his glasses, grabs his notebook and puts on his watch. "The Ideal"... Everything about me it written here. My day-to-day schedule, my long term goals... My future is forever bound to this notebook.'

It's time to start the day...

The day starts off with Kunikida using the elevator to get to the fourth floor, only to be greeted by (Y/n) who was just standing in front of the door.

"Kunikida-san, good morning."

"Good morning to you, too, (Y/n)-san. You're early for a change."

"Yeah? Well, Dazai is the reason. Have you by any chance seen him lately?"

"No, but I wouldn't bother looking. He's probably doing a new suicide method and won't be showing up today." Kunikida just glanced at his watch.

"Hmm, I hope not." She sighed in exhaustion.

"I've arrived a whole ten seconds early."

'My name is Doppo Kunikida. I'm an idealist at heart, and a pragmatist in pursuit of those ideals.'

"It's time." He stated as he opened the door to greet those that are early. "Good morning, everyone."

"Please help us, Kunikida-san!" Atsushi yelled out in distress.

It was a long silence as Kunikida and (Y/n) stood in front of Atsushi while the door behind them closed. "What is it this time?"

"I-I-It's Dazai-san... Look at him!" Atsushi turned away to show Dazai on the desk with a crazed look in his eye.

"Aaahhhhh!!" He looked like he was on CRACK! "Kunikida-kun... It's an emergency! Take a look at this!" CRACKed Dazai pointed at the air to show Kunikida something.

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