Chapter 1

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"Keep up, kid!"

"I'm not a kid!"

"Dude! Less talk! More play!"


It wasn't a serious game of basketball, just training. The team was split perfectly in half and wore different coloured bibs to keep the teams from being mixed up. Dude was on the blue team. His favourite colour, but he had a feeling that he wouldn't like it for today. Practice started off fine. A few warm ups, practice shots and a light bit of running. Then it started to get serious as the team started to play more. And things weren't exactly looking up now.

Dude wasn't the tallest player in the team, but only by a few inches. It made it hard for him to keep up sometimes as the others seemed to have more speed compared to him. Not to mention, every time he was open, the others wouldn't even look at him. They would try to pass it to someone else and lose it to the other team. He never understood why no one would cooperate with him, when he was doing all he can to get them to work with him.

So when the ball bounced towards him by accident, he took the opportunity to dribble all the way to the hoop. He was able to slip past the defenders. He did try to see an opening to another teammate, but they were either all blocked off, or didn't bother to get closer to help. He'll have to do this on his own.

This was his chance.

After stopping at the right distance, Dude lined it up perfectly. He started to jump so he could take this shot. However, the second his feet left the ground, someone crashed into him harshly. He had no time to prepare as his shoulder collided to the ground. The ball bounced away from his hands, into the hands of the other team. Dude was stunned for a moment, waiting for the blow of the whistle to call foul. But that shrill noise never came. And no one came to check if he was okay.

Yes, he loved basketball, but there was just one problem.

No one treated him like he was part of the team, even the coach.

Finally, as Dude got on his feet and another point was scored by the other team, the whistle was blown. Dude watched the entire team clap for a good game. Again, no one came over to check on him or tell him that he tried his best. Not that they ever did since he joined. They just treated him like an outsider and Coach doing it as well was worse to boot.

"Dude! Get dressed and meet me at my office!" Coach suddenly barked as Dude tried to get the last of the consultation. So he was not only left out of any important information and tips, he was now summoned to the office. if this day couldn't get any worse...

Then again, it might be a good chance to complain about how he has been treated. Even if nothing is done about it, at least he would get it off his chest.

Not wanting to keep Coach waiting, Dude got out of his gear and into a blue shirt, and pair of jeans with blue trainers. He ignored any snide remarks that the rest of the team was directing at him in the changing room. His energy was focused on getting out and finally hear what Coach had to say.

When he knocked on the door, Dude realised that his palms were sweating. He rapidly rubbed them off and took a deep breath to steady himself. He just needed to pretend that he was preparing for a big game and everything will be just fine. He'll keep himself calm by thinking this way. He didn't know why he was nervous, but he needed to keep his composure up if he was going to talk to Coach. When he got the confirmation to enter, he felt like his heart skipped a beat. Stay calm. Stay calm.

"Coach? I-" Dude had started as he entered the office, closing the door behind him.

"Save it!" Coach barked, looking annoyed. In fact he looked like he was going to blow a fuse if Dude wasn't careful. Dude shut his mouth, not sure what to say. Suddenly all the hope that he had of this being a good talk was gone. "Look kid, I don't know what's going on but I'm ending it."

"What?" Dude asked, feeling this gnawing sensation in his stomach. He didn't know where this came from but he knew that it wasn't good.

"You want me to spell it out for you?" Coach spat, looking like that fuse was getting incredibly shorter. Dude visibly flinched at this tone. "You're lazy and uncoordinated. You're not putting in the effort and have a problem with teamwork."


"I don't have a problem with the team!" Dude argued. He needs to get his point known. He didn't know what the team has said or what Coach may or may not have done, but he can't let this slide. If he explained his side of the story. "The team has a problem with me! No matter what I do, they won't listen to or include me!"

"I've heard enough! You're off the team!" The Coach sighed exasperated with everything. Dude broke into a sweat as those words were said. He felt like he would hear a pin being dropped.

Off the team? No! He can't be off the team! This was a horrible mistake! He can show that he can do this! He just needs a chance!

"But Coach-" Dude started, ready to make his point clear.

"But nothing! Get out of my sight!" Coach snapped, slamming his fist on the desk. Dude flinched back again. His throat closed up, forcing his voice to be silent. He couldn't stop his body from moving as he opened the door and left the office. As the door closed behind him, he could feel his heart pounding against his rib cage. He started to breathe after realising that he hadn't taken a breath after being to.d to leave. Maybe he can try again?

Dude heard snickering not too far from him. Lo and behold, his "team" was right there. He wouldn't be surprised if they had heard the outburst, and/or put Coach up to this. They saw him looking at them and walked away, still laughing at his misfortune. And now the team will most likely spread it around the school for everyone to hear.

This can't get any worse...

Feeling like there was nothing that he can do right now, Dude slung his bag on his shoulder, and headed towards the sports hall. He didn't know what else he wanted to do other than shoot some hoops. It often helped to calm him down. He just grabbed a ball and started practicing his shots. Some he scored, some he missed. Not that he cared that much right now. The bouncing noise from the ball echoed around the hall, the sound almost deafening. It was followed by the squeaking of Dude's trainers skidding a little on the floor. He didn't care that he was off the team. As long as the sports hall was still open, he was going to keep practicing. He'll just keep at it until Coach lets him back on the team. If he's let back on the team.

This wasn't fair!

Why was he being singled out?! Why was he getting punished?!

Why can't people just get to know him instead of judging him?

Did they just have a problem with his name or something (he normally blamed it on the unnamed person that gave it to him)?

Why can't he be given a chance to prove himself already?! He worked hard enough for it!

Feeling frustrated, Dude suddenly threw the ball at the wall in front of him. He put so much strength into it that it ricocheted right back on him. He ducked, feeling the ball whizz right over his head. It bounced across the hall, hitting the other wall before it gradually bobbed up and down to a stop. Dude rubbed his face, suddenly feeling tired. What was he even doing again? Just being here wasn't helping at all. He needs to go home, clear his head. Tomorrow is another day.

Thinking this with as much confidence as he could, Dude grabbed his bag and slipped his cap on, turning it backwards. He was prepared to leave, when he spotted the ball in the middle of the hall. He'll put it back to at least be polite about it. However, as he grabbed it, he noticed something that wasn't right. There was some kind of feeling all around him. He didn't know what it was but felt like something was different. He wanted to move but his feet wouldn't budge. The air around him felt like static, his hairs were standing on end. There was this quiet hum in his ears. He felt his stomach doing back flips repeatedly. His body suddenly felt weightless. He felt like his feet were off the ground, but at the same time, they were still planted on the ground.

Suddenly there was this light, a blue light.

It blinded Dude for a moment.

Then he passed out.

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