Chapter 32

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Quick A/N: I'll be back at uni next week, and I'll be quite busy. So I'm going to try to finish off this story as fast as I can since it's near the end now (at least one or two chapters by time this has been posted)

Also thank you for the 760+ reads!

Within a few hours, almost everything was cleared up.

The people that were trapped collected their belongings from the ground as best they could. They contacted their loved ones that were still free. When asked about Dawn, they all seemed terrified to speak of her. They all knew about her and had seen the damage that she had done. Including killing this "Skyline Gang". Even people outside this park knew about her. It turned out when Dawn spread her darkness, it was like a bubble around the Skyline. Nothing could get past it. Anyone that was inside were all petrified to stone. And anyone outside couldn't get inside. If they tried, they would immediately be rebounded back to the outside world. The town that was practically next door came alive as soon as they saw the darkness was gone. Everyone, men, women and children flocked right towards the Skyline, barging through the gate. They were all desperate to see the people they had lost and the ones that saved them. News reporters came so quick that they were forced to be locked outside the gate. The gang only allowed people to come in and out if they were reunited with friends and family. It got so much that Bud needed to hide in his room to calm down, with Rainbow actively assisting him.

After a few hours, the reporters gave up, instead interviewing those that came outside. All the "visitors" had left, leaving the staff behind. The gang assisted with cleaning up, still trying to make sense of everything. Bud assisted the ride operators, making sure that the maintenance was up to scratch. Everyone else helped up with cleaning most of the litter (much to Mimi's disgust). The seagulls helped with most of the discarded food. Soon enough, everything outside was well enough and good. Then it was polishing up the inside. The basketball court that Dude played on was completely gone. The most that needed doing was setting all the tables and chairs back to where they were. During this, Dude tried to catch the attention of some of the staff. Particularly ones dressed up in red and white. They called themselves the Redcoats. Simple enough, Dude supposed. He was able to catch some of them, but they wouldn't answer his questions. They'd just look at him strangely. This just made Dude annoyed. He had sympathy. After all these people have been trapped in stone, and they suddenly wake up to a gang of teenagers and a dog that they don't even know. Not to mention, they were taking the place of the group before them rather unceremoniously. All the same, if someone was asking for help, the least that someone could do was try to do so.

"Can I help?" A voice suddenly asked. Dude must have had his mind read or something at that moment. He turned to see a Redcoat standing by him. He seemed a little older than some of the others, about mid forties. "You look like you've lost a pound and found a penny."

"I just need some answers." Dude sighed hopelessly. "We all have questions and some answers would be really good right about now."

"Like what?" The Redcoat asked.

"Like where the heck are we for starters." Dude said, gesturing to the Skyline.

"You don't know? You're in the Skyline." The Redcoat laughed, shaking his head a little. Dude facepalmed. Yes, he and the others knew that already! A little more information though would be great. The Redcoat stopped laughing, examining Dude closely. "I must say, you are different from the old Gang. I hope that people will accept you all easily enough."

"You don't understand. We're not exactly from around here." Dude sighed, exasperated. The Redcoat looked puzzled himself. Dude continued to try to explain. "We've never heard of this Skyline nor do we know where we are exactly. It's a little hard to explain."

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