Alternative ending/Promise Kept

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Cross posted from my 1shots and short stories book.


Seagulls wailed out their cries as they glided through the sky. The watercolour setting of orange, pink and blue stretched as far and wide. Purple dyed clouds joined the warm colours, signalling a calm night ahead. That always felt like a good feeling when you live by the sea. The sea itself was also soothing. The reflection of the setting sun shimmered like diamonds on the water. The water gave the illusion that it was hardly moving. Soft waves brushed along the wet, hardened sand. The tide was so quiet and slow that it was in a state of limbo. It was neither coming in nor out. It was like being trapped in a photograph. It was perfect to Dude.

He always loved the sea. Even as a toddler (at least according to his parents), he'd just stare at the sea. Even if it was just a picture he'd always look at it. He recalled a few times that he would have to be carried out of the aquarium because he'd kick up a fuss about leaving. He shook his head a little while chuckling at the memory. It must have drove his parents crazy. He wondered how they put up with it.

Dude felt a small buzz in his pocket. He didn't hesitate in digging into it. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. Up popped a message:

Mi hijo, it's Dad.

You have no idea how relieved we were when you messaged us. We were so worried that it almost sent you Abuela into an "early grave". Her words, not mine.

A parallel world you say? I wonder how we can still contact you. Maybe you can find out and explain.

Anyway, we just saw your photo. You looked so different that we wondered if it was really you. And your new friends look like good people. We're so happy that you have good friends now. You've earned them.

Let us know how you're doing everyday if you can. And please come home soon. It's a crime not having you here, mi hijo.

Your mother and I love you too. Mantente a salvo, hijo mío.

See you soon.

Dude let out a long sigh at the bittersweet message. He was expecting it, but it still punched a hole in him. He and his friends didn't exactly ask to be sent here to the "Skyline". That's still a riddle that needs to be solved. However, it will have to be dealt with another day. Questions about Dawn and her origins and motivations were still present. But no one will answer them.

It had only been a few hours since that witch had gone. Setting everyone free was another thing that was a lot. At least there was a house that he and the Gang can live in. It was just one thing after another though. That's why Dude came here to the beach in the first place. Just a moment to breathe and think about nothing.

"There you are."

Dude snapped out of his calm state instantly. He didn't think he was gone that long. Then again, he didn't exactly keep an eye on the time or register what time he had left the house. He just thought about the sea and wanting to be near it. After what felt like an eternity, he finally turned around. Right behind him were all of his friends, Rainbow included.

"What are you guys doing here?" Dude asked, eyebrow raised.

"First day without Miss Tall Dark and Spooky and you disappear! We searched everywhere for you!" Sprout shouted, gesturing back to the Skyline, which stood across a road.

"Sorry. I thought I left a note on the kitchen table." Dude sighed, scratching his head a little. He was positive that he left the note there at least. He wrote where he was going to be and that he wanted to clear his head for a while.

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