Skyline Gang HC

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These are my personal head cannons based on the Skyline Gang. Please understand that I am still new to the fandom, so I apologise if you don't like any of them.

and and Bud has autism. I've watched a few shows and some of his behaviour makes me feel like he might be on the spectrum.

Bud has built tiny robots to help him with small tasks such as getting into hard to reach places for cleaning.

Misty is the cause of trouble 80% of the time for the Gang. The other 20% is either by accident or coincidence.

While Misty does cause mischief, she does secretly care about the Gang. She just either has a hard time showing it or chooses not to.

Pip uses rock or metal to let out any stress or frustration. She prefers to play the music on her own but doesn't mind if the others watch and give her support.

Whenever Pip hasn't had a burger for a certain period of time, she goes on a bit of a rampage to find one. Which can sometimes lead her into trouble.

Sprout's family comes from a circus background which is where his love of practical jokes, juggling and magic comes from.

Sprout has a fear of spiders. I've seen a short on YouTube where Misty teases him about it XD

Sprout and Candi adopted each other as siblings. While I don't know if they're blood related in cannon, I like how in most fanfics, people have portrayed them as siblings.

Candi loves baking and sometimes makes sweet treats for the Gang. Especially for special occasions like birthdays, Christmas and sometimes Halloween.

Dude feels like he's got a lot of responsibilities to look out for the Gang and it can lead to a lot of stress that he tries to not show to the others. One day it builds up so much that he gets sick.

A family member influenced Dude to have an interest in protecting marine wildlife.

Mimi has insecurities about her appearance due to always being compared to someone that was deemed to be better than her.

While Mimi wants to make it big in Hollywood, she has a back up plan to be a fashion designer and/or model should she not become an actress.

Rainbow acts like a self appointed therapy dog whenever any member of the gang is stressed out or when Bud is having a melt down. This was inspired by Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (I'm not going to say why just in case anyone hasn't seen because of spoilers, but to those who have, you might know what I'm talking about)

And those are my head cannons for now. Maybe I'll make one shots out of them but that will have to wait until I've finished this main story along with a potential sequel.

I'm curious to hear yours so feel free to comment them.

Stay safe and thank you for reading this story to this point so far. Hope you all like it.

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