Chapter 29

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I recommend listening to this song. It kinda helped me with writing this chapter.

Song: Rise (cover by State of Mine)

What was going on?

One moment Dude was getting back on his feet. Then the next he just stood there. He let the Shadow Team get another three points. It looked like a nasty fall. Dude hit his head. It must have been quite bad. Without being able to check on him, it was hard to tell what kind of damage he had taken. He might have a concussion. Why was he just standing there? Was something going on that the others couldn't see? It was just like when they went through their own struggles. Dude was going through the same thing. But this felt so much more different. It felt worse than before. They needed to snap him out of this. They need him to get back into the game, just like he did for them.

"Dude! Are you okay?" Mimi asked in distress. Dude didn't seem to hear her. "Dude, please..."

"You have to wake up! Snap out of it!" Sprout shouted. He experienced this first. He knew what was happening. Dude's voice and advice was enough to bring him back. It should work now.

"Don't give up! You know more about this game than her!" Pip yelled, smacking the barrier as hard as she could.

"You didn't give up on us! Please don't start quitting now!" Bud joined in tensing up.

"Go, go, Dude! You've got the attitude!" Candi started chanting. Just a little cheer might work. It was a bit cheesy, but loud enough to start something. She repeated it twice. Sprout started joining in. Then Pip. And finally Bud and Mimi. Rainbow even howled a little. It was working it seemed. Dude's hand started to twitch. Can he hear them? They kept going. They needed to keep trying to bring Dude back. His clothes gave off a faint glow. Small, frail, but still there. Louder! Stronger! Just get through to him right now!

"Be quiet!" Dawn yelled, standing from her throne. She swiped her hand as if she was swatting a fly. No one could react in time. A wave of darkness rose up in front of them. It knocked into them. They were all sent flying through the air as if they weighed next to nothing. They hit the floor and some of the chairs with a solid thud. The sound was boisterous. Dazed and confused, the teenagers tried to gather their senses as fast as they could. Rainbow was quicker than them. He stood up with his hackles up. His teeth were bared and emitted a loud growling sound. Dawn was approaching his friends and he was ready to leap at her. He won't let her hurt his humans!

Unfortunately, Dawn was ready. She already had her own mutt with her. The Shadow Rainbow leaped at the orange dog. Rainbow didn't have a choice but to fight back. Both dogs snarled and barked loudly, rolling around trying to get a huge advantage. Someone wanted to shout at Dawn to call off her dog. However, no one could raise their voice. They were mute against the tyrant before them. Dawn stared right down at them. The stare that she gave them was murderous. She was done playing games. She raised her hand, nails sharper than blades. She was aiming for each teenager. She had them all perfectly in place for one slice.

"Leave them alone!"

That voice was like thunder, each syllable bouncing off of every wall. The dogs stopped fighting. Dawn froze before she could swipe her hand down. The teenagers, though shaking, looked less afraid. All eyes fell upon the basketball court where the voice had come from. Dude was standing tall, facing all of them. He was panting, as if it took all the strength he had to yell. He was holding his shoulder, right where the bruise was. A harsh red patch was on his head from where he hit it. It was determined to leave a dark mark there. And he looked furious. Dude had heard them. He heard their words. Each and every one of them. They all pierced the darkness. It went silent for a brief minute. Then he heard Dawn shouting at them. Anger. It pushed through. The hold on him broke, shattered like glass.

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