Chapter 2

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"He's waking up!"

"Are you okay?"

"Hey! Maybe a joke will help!"

"I don't think that's how jokes work!"

Dude felt like someone had pounded on his head with a brick. The first thing that he heard when he started to feel again were these voices around him. Were they directed at him? Probably? He started to get more feeling back as he felt like he was on a hard floor. He tried to move, but his body felt almost completely numb and heavy, like someone was purposefully weighing him down. He could smell something quite fragrant, like perfume. He could sense people around him. No doubt that was where the voices were coming from.

When they finally felt less heavy, Dude lifted his eyelids. He was met with a bright light at first. He noticed shapes as well but he couldn't notice anything distinguishable. The light was too bright at that moment. He closed his eyes again to try to clear his head a bit more. He felt something touch his shoulder. It felt like a gentle hand. That's what caused him to open his eyes again. This time his vision was clear. Dude's body suddenly jolted as he was met with these faces looking down on him. Five different faces. Two boys, three girls. Dude was trying to move away from them to get some space, but he felt incredibly dizzy and almost immobile. His body could move only a little.

"It's okay! We won't hurt you!" One of the girls spoke gently, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

"You'll feel a little dizzy for a few minutes." One of the boys added. Dude's eyes darted between each individual. He checked around again, making sure that he had counted right. Still three girls and two boys. They all seemed to be around about his age. He carefully sat up, feeling a couple of hands help him sit up. He took in those in front of him. The girl closet to him had blonde hair that reached past her shoulders. She was wearing a yellow shirt with blue jeans and a pair of yellow boots. She was the one that had her hand on his shoulder, which she had now carefully removed.

Another girl had her pink hair in a bob. She was wearing a pink sweater and a long pink dress with with pumps. She almost seemed like she was trying to look like cotton candy with the amount of pink on her. She seemed overly bubbly to Dude as she had quite a bright smile on her face. Maybe she's trying to see the bright side of this unusual situation.

The last girl had short black hair that was partially held back by a purple headband that had a bow. She wore black jeans and T-shirt with a purple jacket and boots. She also had a black chocker around her neck that was studded. She didn't seem overly concerned, just a bit more laid back than everyone else.

One of the boys was also sitting by him. He had reddish brown hair with freckles on his face and appeared to be quite lanky. He was wearing a green shirt and green shorts with white trainers. He was bouncing a little, as if he had some energy that was itching to burn off.

The last boy seemed to be a couple inches taller than Dude. He had short black hair and wore a large pair of glasses. He wore a red shirt that had a molecule printed on it with pale blue jeans and brown shoes. He was fiddling with a watch on his wrist. It looked like one of those high tech digital watches. He was more concentrated on that than anything else.

"Where am I?" Dude finally asked after taking in all of these appearances.

"Wherever we are, it is proving difficult to triangulate precise coordinates." Glasses spoke in a monotone voice. He was still focused on his watch but was coherent enough to what was around him.

"What?" Dude asked, still feeling groggy.

"What he's trying to say is that we don't know where we are." The blonde answered, rolling her eyes a little.

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