Chapter 22

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The four reached the main stage area as calmly as they could. Dude and Mimi continued to walk behind Bud and Rainbow, keeping an eye out for anything that might come from the back. Bud focused hard on breathing, remaining as calm as he could. He can't focus on the anxiety that creeped around him like a predator. If he did, it could be bad news for both him and Dude, no matter who was doing the challenge. The others were waiting patiently. Dawn sat in her throne like always, looking more impatient than ever. The stage was set, a Shadow Man and the props all set up. On each side of the stage was a blackboard and a small table that held a red button in the centre front of it. The blackboards had the same writing. Both held an equation. It was so complex that it was hard to tell how to work it out. That was the challenge being set.

"That's too much!" Sprout moaned, stumbling back in a dizzy daze.

"I...I'm good at maths. But I'm not that good." Dude muttered. He gritted his teeth as he looked at the equation. It was too complex for anybody to sort out. Then it hit him like a freight train. He had seen something similar like this already. He turned to Bud, who was looking at the blackboards. He didn't look stressed out or panicked. For the first time in a while, he looked completely relaxed. If anything, he was ecstatic. It was a wonder how he wasn't charging to the stage to work it out in an instant. This was his element. "Bud! You're going to have to be the one to do this."

Bud suddenly snapped out of his state of mind. His head snapped back towards the group. They all stared at him, eyes full of anticipation. He shuffled back, Rainbow bracing him in case he stumbled. He could feel his heart beating harshly. His chest started to feel tight. He was starting to feel his anxiety pick up in an instant. His stomach was doing backflips as his brain ran rampant.

"No! I...I can't be smart!" Bud shouted, wishing that he could just run and hide. "People have often told me that I shouldn't be because they won't be my friends otherwise!"

"Bud, we want you to be smart!" Mimi protested, gently taking a step forward.

"And whoever told you that you shouldn't be, are more dumb than Sprout!" Pip grinned, gesturing to the green clad teen.

"Yeah! More dumb then-HEY!" Sprout yelled when he caught on. There were a few laughs at his expense. Bud wasn't one of them. He just didn't understand. He was no longer in a frenzy. He was just glancing at one person to another. He took in their faces. All were encouraging and hopeful. Not one seemed to be spiteful. It made a refreshing change.

"You...really want me to be that smart?" Bud questioned, unable to meet anyone's eyes.

"Yes. And we'll still be your friends." Candi smiled, stepping forward with a bounce. Bud bit his lip. He glanced back up at the stage, eyeing at the blackboards. He knew the equation written on them. He had seen it and others like it before. He was already halfway solving it when Dude surprised him. It could do it without a problem. However, he was afraid. He just didn't want to lose this thing that he had. He recalled how Dude and Mimi called him a friend. Candi sounded genuine with how she vowed that she and the others would still be friends with him. It was like freedom to him as he thought about that. He can't let that go!

"You can do this." Dude encouraged, gently placing a hand on Bud's shoulder. Bud looked at him, shaking from all the emotions that he felt. Emotions were always so confusing. Faces and making eye contact were confusing. It had always been hard for him to tell if anyone was being nice to him or not. But their voices always rang out loud and clear to him. The confidence in him that the others had was strong. They were being right there for him. They always had. He just never realised it. And if this challenge was to be won, he didn't have much of a choice.

"Bud, reporting for duty!" He smiled as brightly as he could. The others grinned with him, parting a path for him. Taking a deep breath, Bud started walking forward. Rainbow stayed right beside him, insisting that Bud kept his hand on him. The texture of the fur was soothing once more.

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