Chapter 4

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Dude honestly didn't know how he slept at all. He felt so restless that he thought that he only slept for an hour. When he opened his eyes again, it felt like not much time had passed. After straining his body to reach the desk, he checked the time. 7:37 was displayed on his phone. He was a little surprised by this. Guess he was just that exhausted yesterday. He looked at the window. Still nothing but darkness outside. He really did wish that it was a blackout screen that was put up on the outside. But after witnessing Sprout nearly being sucked into the void, that wish was as weak as paper. This whole place was impossible to get out without risking a life. So, if someone was coming to save the group trapped inside, maybe they will find a way past the void. A secret tunnel? Some kind of special vehicle? Either way, they had to get home somehow.

Trying to shake away any bad feelings, Dude got dressed and decided to grab something to eat. He had a feeling that everyone else will wake up soon too. With a somewhat fresh mind, he felt this need to try to get things done after breakfast. When he stepped out of his room, he noticed that a couple of the bags were gone, most likely in the rooms belonging to their owners. He started heading downstairs, when another door opened from behind him. Mimi had stepped quietly out of her room. She was wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday, but Dude had a feeling that it was a duplicate set, just like the one he was wearing now.

"Morning, Mimi." Dude called out. Mimi blinked, seeming to snap out of a daze.

"Hm? Oh. Good morning." She muttered, slowly making her way to Dude. That's when he noticed her appearance a little more closely. She seemed tired, worry lines creasing her forehead. She didn't seem half as energetic as she seemed yesterday. Maybe the toll of still being in this place had started taking hold.

"Are you okay?" Dude asked as he started to accompany her down the staircase.

"Just...just stressing a little!" Mimi sighed, rubbing one of her eyes.

"Well how do you calm down?" Dude asked, offering a little bit of support.

"Usually I brush my hair, do my nails, design clothes based on all the latest trends." Mimi listed, flicking her hair and show her bright yellow nails. Dude fought back the urge to roll his eyes at hearing the stereotypical girl stuff. He didn't want to accidentally stress her out more than necessary. "But none of that seems to be helping!"

"Mimi, we'll be okay." Dude smiled encouragingly. He was worried to but he needs to try to put a brave face on so that he can't have everyone else worry too much.

"I know, but I can't help it." Mimi sighed as they finally reached the bottom of the stairs. They both stayed silent for a moment, not sure what else to say. Suddenly there was a strange noise. It caused them to freeze on the spot. "What was that?"

Both Mimi and Dude looked at the door in front of them. It was closed shut, but they could still hear anything from the other side. There was a scratching noise and some what sounded like sniffing. Dude put a finger to his lips, telling Mimi to be quiet. After receiving an affirmative from her, he slowly started approaching the door. He tried to be as silent as he could. When he got closer, he thought that he could hear a whining sound. He placed his ear against the door. He waited a moment before he heard another whine, followed by a small bark. A bark? Dude cautiously reached for the door handle. He looked back at Mimi, who stayed where she was. She was shaking her head a little, pleading for Dude not to open the door. However, after hearing another bark, this time a little louder, she looked more confused than scared. Dude carefully pulled the door open. There was a flash of orange as he suddenly found something quite heavy jump on top of him. Not expecting the weight, he fell backwards in surprise.

"Dude!" Mimi exclaimed, jumping back a little.

"I'm okay!" Dude panted, the wind knocked out of him. He looked into a pair of large brown eyes before the being on top of him started licking his face excitedly. He couldn't help but laugh as he tried to manoeuvre away from the playful offender. "Okay! Okay! Nice to meet you too!"

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