Chapter 14

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The next day was pretty much routine at this point. Wake up. Eat breakfast. Check that everyone was okay. Tidy up. Then spilt off to do their own thing. Dawn hadn't made an appearance yet, so the atmosphere was a little tense. Pip tried to make it seem like she wasn't bothered. She had ventured to the arcade, not caring if anyone followed her. The screen in front of her flashed brightly. The music and sound effects was a little obnoxious but it was better than silence. If Pip had any say in it, she'd be rocking out right now. So much was on her mind and there was no outlet for it. Dawn showing up. Mimi and Sprout doing their challenges. Being trapped in some building in a void. Dude's behaviour while speaking to him. Being separated from her dads. No instruments to play music. This whole thing was just so claustrophobic that it made her head spin. She can't even draw right now!

Game over suddenly flashed on the screen. It happened so quick that Pip didn't realise that her focus was off of the game. And yet another thing to start irritating her. She clenched her fist, having an urge to punch something. However, she knew that if she did that, she might be in trouble. The less trouble she was in, maybe the challenge that she'll do will be a bit easy on her. Wishful thinking? Sure, but it's something. Pip raised her hands to her head and clenched at her hair. Painful, but better than punching the screen.

"Not sure if that's healthy to let out frustration like that." Dude suddenly spoke up. Pip whipped around, her hands pulled away from her head. Dude was leaning against a PacMan air hockey game, arms crossed. Rainbow was sitting next to him. Pip shouldn't be surprised that much. The canine seems to like sticking to Dude like glue. He hardly pulls himself away from the guy unless he wanted attention from someone specifically.

"Unfortunately there aren't any instruments around. I'd be bringing this whole place down otherwise." Pip shrugged, forgetting her anger. It was probably more helpful to talk anyway. "Not to mention I can't draw or be creative right now."

"Fair enough." Dude shrugged himself. He pushed himself off of the air hockey and pointed at it behind him. "Want to go a couple of rounds?"

Pip smiled upon hearing that. Even better. Playing with and venting to someone was way better than doing it alone. She didn't know why she didn't think of it sooner. Maybe it was because she assumed everyone would be too wrapped up in their own thing to notice her in the arcade. Dude took his place as she took hers. Dude pressed the button on his side and the puck was deposited on his side. The great thing about the arcade was that they didn't need to pay to use the machines. They could play as many games as they want, as many times as they want. No one knew how long that would last, so they were glad to take the advantage of it while they could. With that said, the puck started to dart back and forth. Rainbow was sat in the middle, watching the puck go with every hit. Pip watched Dude for a second. He never brought up what happened with Dawn to the others, nor did he seem to want to talk about it. There was another thing as well. He mentioning about his basketball team. It was eating at Pip thinking about it. No better time than now to investigate.

"So what's wrong with your team?" Pip asked, hitting the puck as it slowed down a little. Dude was caught off guard by the question. It shook him that much, so that he missed the puck sliding into the goal.

"Me, apparently." Dude muttered, retrieving the puck. He smacked it quite hard, nearly catching Pip off guard. "They'd always ignore me and coach even kicked me off of the team the day that we got here."

"Seriously?" Pip exclaimed, missing her chance to strike back the puck.

"I don't know what I did, but I'm getting answers when we leave." Dude shrugged, sounding determined but also apprehensive. Pip can't say that she blamed him though. She's in a similar position herself after all. There was a small warning sound from the game. Different coloured pucks flooded onto the table and chaos ensued. Pip and Dude struck the pucks wildly, not even bothering to aim before hitting. Less talk about their worries and more focus on playing. Even Rainbow looked like he was barely resisting in trying to catch a puck. In a strange way, it was making them forget that they were trapped for a minute.

"You play any instruments?" Pip suddenly asked.

"Um...not really?" Dude answered, asking himself a question at the same time. He nearly lost focus as another wave of pucks descended on the table. "I mean I tried to play the guitar once but that was during music class at school. It...didn't turn out so good..."

"What about singing?" Pip asked again, ignoring the last couple of pucks going into her goal.

"I don't know! Whoa!" Dude exclaimed as a puck went flying right past him as he was focused on a stray on his side. "Good shot. Why are you asking anyway?"

"Fair enough. I was going to say that if you play and sing well, you'd definitely be part of my band!" Pip grinned.

"You're in a band?" Dude asked, hitting the puck for the last minute of the game.

"I tried to be in one. But I got kicked out too." Pip shrugged. It was enough to distract her as she missed the puck. Before she could retrieve it the game ended.

"Why?" Dude asked again.

"Good question. I'm gonna have to ask those guys too." Pip scoffed, leaning on the air hockey for a bit. "Besides, I've kinda wanted to start my own band anyway. If you could play and sing, you'd be welcome to join."

"Really?" Dude blinked twice, not sure about what he was hearing.

"Trust me: I'm a rock chick!" Pip grinned, flashing a rock on signal. Dude grinned back as he heard that. "And you'd definitely fit in after standing up to Dawn! Rainbow, what do you think?"

Rainbow barked loudly, wagging his tail excitedly. Dude laughed quietly as he realised that he was a little outnumbered. Pip laughed herself. Dude and her were on a same note. They both got kicked out of things that they enjoyed for no fair reason. Pip decided right then and there that before they went home, she and the others should promise to keep in touch. After gaining good friends like this, there was no way that she was cutting contact from them. It'd be wrong and unfair. And who else was going to be friends with her anyway? She didn't exactly have friends back home, so why should she lose the ones that she has here?

"Pip! Behind you!" Dude suddenly shouted. Rainbow growled as he suddenly charged towards Pip. She spun around, coming face to face with Dawn. Rainbow parked himself between them, continuing to growl loudly. Dude rushed to Pip's side, glaring at Dawn.

"The next challenge is about to start. Move." Dawn spoke before fading away. Her glare lingered, especially on Dude as she left. She didn't even miss a beat when she was spotted to make her announcement.

"Would it kill her to be nice for once?" Pip grumbled, patting Rainbow as an award for his bravery. "Let's go!"

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