Chapter 10

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Mimi honestly don't know what woke her up so early. When she checked that the time was 5am, she tried to go back to sleep. However, this chill in her room wouldn't let her. So she decided to try to be a little productive. Her adventuring yesterday turned out pretty well. She was able to finally find a laundrette in a different part of the building. It was complete with laundry detergent and fabric softener too. So, she gathered up the clothes that she had worn so far and quickly did her laundry (she had watched Pip and Bud do their own the day before after she had told everyone else where they can do their laundry, so she knew how to work the machines). She was grateful that no one else had spotted her doing this in her dressing gown, it would've been embarrassing. By time her clothes were done in the tumble dryer, she rushed back to her room and put on her clothes while they were still warm. Now she started to feel fabulous again. She brushed her hair and tied it back, wondering if it'll be good on her. And keep it out of the way while she made herself breakfast.

Mimi was done making herself look great and started to head back downstairs. No one else was still awake it seemed, but she didn't want to wait. Mimi was about to head to the kitchen, but stopped herself. She quickly ran to one of the windows for a shop. She stared hard at her reflection before ripping out the hair tie. She fussed over her hair furiously. She can't be seen like this. She's in such a state. No matter how much she put into her looks, she can't get it right. This truly isn't fabulous at all!

"You're up early." Dude commented suddenly. Mimi turned to see him standing at the entranceway to the shops, Rainbow sitting next to him. He had spotted her after he had decided to get something from the supermarket. He was curious to know what was bothering her.

"Couldn't get back to sleep..." Mimi mummers. She scowled at her reflection as she tried to smooth out her hair. "I'm a mess!"

"No you're not." Dude sighed, carefully approaching Mimi.

"Yes I am! You don't get it because you're a boy." She shouted, whipping her head to face him.

"Harsh." Dude hissed, holding his hands up as he steps back a little. Mimi's words caught up to her, and she immediately regretted her words.

"Sorry." She sighed, covering her face with her hands.

"It's okay." Dude offered a smile. He knew that Mimi didn't mean to lash out. She was just stressed. She uncovered her face and tried again to gather up her hair. However, she just scowled at her own reflection and tried to fix her hair again. Dude spotted a hair tie around her wrist. "Do you need a hand?"

Mimi glanced at him and he gestured at the hair tie. Her shoulders slumped and glumly handed over the accessory. She continued to look at her reflection until Dude gently pulled her away from it. He gestured for her to sit down in a bench, to which she obliged. He tried to be gentle in pulling her hair back before wrapping the hair tie around it. Rainbow had taken it upon himself to sit by Mimi, wagging his tail as the blonde started to pat his head. It was a little messy with some hair poking out from the tie, but it'll do to keep it out of the way.

"Sorry if it's not great." Dude smiled kindly, gently patting Mimi's shoulder. Mimi shrugged, giving up on what she looked like. Dude thought of something that might make her laugh a little, to cheer her up. "Could be worse I guess."

"How so?" Mimi asked with a raised eyebrow as she stood up.

"You could have bald patches." Dude shrugged trying to keep a straight face. Mimi could tell that he was joking around. She let out a big dramatic gasp as she pretended to feel her hair.

"How dare you!" She playfully scolded, smacking Dude's shoulder. She didn't hit him hard, but the jokes stopped when he winced a little. Mimi ceased her smiling as he started to rub the area. "Hey, are you okay?"

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