Chapter 25

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Thank you everyone for the 500+ reads! Sorry I didn't say so in the previous chapter!

I'm glad that to those who have read this like it!

Enjoy the chapter!

The next morning, Dude struggled getting up. It wasn't because he was drained from the night before. It was because he physically and almost literally couldn't get out of bed. Rainbow had shifted during the night. Instead of sleeping with only his head on Dude's stomach, his whole body was draped over Dude's legs. He did try to slip out from under Rainbow, but the dog was too heavy to do that without disturbing him. In the end, Dude had to gently wake him up. Rainbow protested a little, but he eventually got up at last. Dude hurried to have a shower and go down to get breakfast. He was usually an early riser, mostly out of routine he had back home. So Rainbow refusing to get up made him feel like he was slacking a little. Not a huge deal, it just made him a little unhappy.

Breakfast was uneventful for the most part. Sprout was coming up with new jokes, getting a few laughs out of everyone. He couldn't have been more excited to show his dad what he can do once he gets back to the circus. Pip was trying to write some music for when she got home. It was a bit awkward since she tried to do her task while eating eggs and bacon. She even nearly spilled yolk on her notebook by accident once or twice. Bud had changed his look a little. Instead of the white shirt, he swapped it out for a white button up. He was also wearing a red bow tie. Both of these, along with copies of them, he had found in his wardrobe. It was something that he felt more confident with wearing and he quite liked standing out a little bit more compared to the others. No one minded. As long as Bud was happy, that's all that mattered. He was more open about his smarts. He was even tinkering with a small robot since he finished eating first.

After breakfast Dude volunteered to get the dishes done. He didn't know why but he felt the need to be alone for a short while. Maybe it was because he hadn't done a challenge yet and he felt out of place? Well, at least Rainbow stuck by him. Dude was busying himself with loading up the dishwasher. He wanted to take his mind off of things while he can. Dwelling on things won't help, and making the others worry will make things worse. Dude was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't realise that someone was coming in with their plate until he spotted yellow out of the corner of his eye.

"How are you doing?" Mimi suddenly asked, placing her plate on the countertop. That was all the dishes then.

"What do you mean?" Dude asked back. Mimi rolled her eyes at this. She needed to try to get Dude to say something like when he was close to the night before.

"Last night..." she hissed. Dude froze for a moment. His hand trembled, threatening to drop the plate he was holding. Contemplating, he processed the nightmare again. He shut his eyes, picturing it perfectly. Skin crawling memories made his heart skip a beat. It may have been seconds, but to him it felt like days until he could speak again. However, he can't bring himself to say anything. He can't bring on this unnecessary worry and he needed to try to focus.

"I told you not to worry." Dude frowned, slipping the plate in the dishwasher and snatched up Mimi's.

"Dude, please." Mimi begged, rubbing Dude's back. It made him stop his movements again for a minute. Rainbow snapped him out of it by nuzzling his side.

"I promise, I'm okay." Dude sighed, reaching up to grab the dishwasher handle. It was brought down softly. "I just had a scare but it's nothing serious."

Mimi almost had the urge to scream at Dude. Just to tell him to be honest with her and/or the others for once. They all knew by now that he was putting up a front. He needs to let his defences down for once. If he keeps bottling it all up, then it could be dangerous. However, instead of blowing her top off, Mimi took a deep breath. She thought of an idea. Time to change the conversation. It might help with getting Dude to say something. Just be discreet enough to make him think that she has dropped the subject for the time being.

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