Chapter 33

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Thank you for the 800+ reads!

I hate writing ends XD

I suck at writing them...

All the staff had gone home, along with any stragglers. While they left, everyone learned that it had been a week since Dawn invaded. That was roughly about when everyone and Rainbow showed up too, at least a day or so after it happened. Whatever trick the old Skyline Gang leader did, it worked incredibly fast. It was quite impressive in all honesty. When the park was mostly empty, everyone was left to their own devices.

Exploring a little more, Dude found that there was an outdoor basketball/football court, an extra building for larger stage shows, and a swimming pool. There was also a beach nearby. There was more to see, but maybe for another time. Right now, Dude had too much on his mind. George's conversation with him was still repeating in his head. On a lighter note, he got a little more about this "Skyline Gang". They sounded like they could be entertainers here, but there was more under the surface. Keeping people safe? Protecting them? What were they? Superheroes? George made it sound like it was possible. And this was where they lived as well. Those rooms that Dude and his friends been staying in were in the main building (also known as the Pavilion according to the Redcoats that he was able to quickly speak with). So did the Skyline Gang have those rooms too. So then why were the rooms accommodating to him and his friends? It was like with the kitchens being stocked up magically daily. There had to be magic in that building somewhere. It would explain some things.

On a more dim note, there wasn't that much known about Dawn. There were still pressing questions about her and her motives. Ruling the world? If she did that, it would make sense. But taking over a theme park that apparently had magic? While it made some sense, there was still no sense in the madness. It wasn't like she extended her powers to the town or the rest of the world. She had the chance to try and do much worse than she already did. Did she have some kind of limit? Or did she just not care? This was just confusing. Nothing made sense in the madness. The problem was that no one would explain more about the Skyline. The wounds were still fresh, so it was understandable if no one wanted to talk during this time. However, questions continue to be raised, but none were answered.

Take things one day at a time. Let time heal. Eventually the answers will come to them. Just be patient.

"Dude? Sprout and I found something." Candi suddenly appeared. Walking beside her was Sprout. They were both carrying something in their arms. It looked like notebooks and some stationary items.

"What is it?" Dude asked, raising an eyebrow at the items that the two were holding.

"We went to one of the gift shops and grabbed a couple of things." Sprout explained, gesturing to the items.

"I hope you two paid for it." Dude said, crossing his arms.

"We did!" Candi insisted. Then she faltered a little. "Well...more like we forced them to take our money. Staff said that it was free for us. But that's besides the point! Take a look!" The stuff was free to him and his friends? That didn't feel right. Shaking that thought off, Dude carefully took one of the notebooks. If he remembered correctly, most of them were blank with no special features on it other than colour. However, the moment he laid eyes on the cover, he dropped the notebook in surprise.

"That's us!" He exclaimed, pointing at the object.

"Yeah! Somehow, we're all over a lot of the merch in the shop!" Sprout shouted, bending down to pick up the discarded notebook. He wiped it off on his dungaree leg before looking at the CGI printed version of him and his friends. "One minute everything was blank!"

"Now they aren't!" Candi continued, showing a pick pencil case that had her image and name printed on it. "How is this possible?"

"That's a good question..." Dude muttered, scratching his head.

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