Chapter 15

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I don't think this chapter is good, but I hope you guys still like it all the same.

Artwork was done by me.

Dude, Pip and Rainbow made it to the stage in record time. Everyone else was already there, including Dawn. She was sitting in her throne, tapping her long, boney fingers on an armrest. The stage was claimed by a black cloud, signalling that the set up was still in progress. The others were already there. Sprout was fidgeting in place while Mimi tapped her foot impatiently. Bud was cleaning his glasses and Candi was wringing her hands nervously.

"So, what's the challenge now?" Dude asked, skidding to a stop.

"We're still waiting." Candi muttered nervously.

"For someone that's eager to get rid of us, she sure likes to make us wait." Pip grumbled, tapping her foot faster than Mimi was doing herself. She ignored the others signalling her to be quiet and Dawn growling from behind her. She got her wish as the cloud finally disappeared. Left behind was a Shadow Man and two large trunks. The group stared at the stage, taking in what they were seeing. There wasn't much context. No meters to measure laughter and no work station or materials to work with. Just the opponent and the trunks. However, it's what's inside the trunks that might be crucial to the challenge. To help or to hinder? It all depends on who is chosen.

"There are instruments in the trunks. Compose a song. Choose one person." Dawn instructed, still taping her fingers on her armrest, falling into a rhythm. Pip felt like jumping up in joy. Music was in her blood, it was her passion. Anything creative was her passion. She wasn't nervous about this. She had seen Sprout and Mimi shut down a little during their challenges, so she knew what to expect in a way. She wasn't worried. This was her turn, her time. There's no way that she could lose this.

"Music huh? Right up my street!" She beamed, digging into her pocket.

"Are you sure, Pip?" Dude asked.

"I told you, Dude! I'm a rock chick!" Pip kept grinning with confidence. She pulled out a black fingerless glove. She'd always wear it when performing. It was kind of her lucky charm. Pip turned to Sprout and Mimi as her glove was securely fixed on. "You two got any advice?"

"Keep your head on straight." Sprout spoke up.

"And try not to let the Shadow Man throw you off like it did with us. No matter what, focus on yourself." Mimi added, keeping her composure as calm as she could.

"Rocking advice, you two! Thanks!" Pip grinned, flashing a thumbs up. She didn't wait for any well wishes as she dashed up to the stage. The grey barrier appeared and the second that she stepped foot onto the stage, the challenge started. The Shadow Man didn't wait for anything. It slowly moved to the trunk nearest to it. Pip watched it as it pulled out a small case. It opened the case, almost carelessly pulling out a violin. Pip almost cringed when she saw it. She didn't have anything against violins or classical instruments in general. It's just something that she literally has no clue in playing. She really hoped that she wasn't forced to play one.

Pip was snapped out of it when the Shadow Man started to play. Given how terrible it did with Mimi's challenge, Pip expected it to be an easy win. She braced herself for a terrible tune. However, she was quite surprised by her opponent's music. It actually sounded pretty good. Eerie, but soothing. Haunting, but calm. It was quite scary in all honesty. Pip looked at the others. They still seemed nervous, but even they looked like they were liking the music. Dawn was relishing in what she was hearing. She looked incredibly smug, a sly smile gracing her face. Pip gritted her teeth as she moved to her trunk. She was going to win this thing no matter what. If she had to quickly teach herself to play something, so be it.

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