Chapter 12

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Artwork was done by me.

Mimi just suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe. She couldn't focus on anything but the now dried stain on her dress. She wasn't even sure that The dyes at her station could be strong enough to cover it. And she can't sew the same yellow over the stain, it would ruin it even more. A horrible memory stirred in her mind. She had made the dress before. It was her masterpiece and personal favourite. Her school was holding auditions for a play and Mimi wanted her shot at it. She had remembered all the lines she needed to and practiced the delivery everyday. On the day of the audition, she put on her favourite dress. She didn't dress to impress, but she thought that she could try to look presentable. And willingness that she could alter her costumes without bothering the people behind them too much. Not to mention it helped to build her confidence.

She was getting ready and squeeze in some last minute practice until-

"Opps! Oh no! Your dress! Guess I'm going to be picked again Mimi! Just give up! You're not cut out for this!"

Yes, trying to look and feel fabulous came at a high price.

While Mimi was absorbed with practice, a rival girl suddenly came up and ripped Mimi's dress. It was ruined to the point that Mimi couldn't fix it on the spot. By time she had called her mum to bring a change of clothes and got dressed, the auditions were over. It wasn't the first time that something like that had happened. The same girl kept Mimi from doing an audition by locking her in a classroom or closet, or giving Mimi the wrong information about when and where the auditions were. She even recruited other girls to help. It never got to the point of destroying her clothes.

Anything like this memory would upset anybody. Especially after all the work that Mimi had out in to win this challenge. It didn't make her upset, however. It actually made her mad. Mad enough to slam her fist onto the workstation. The others flinched back at this, not expecting something so aggressive. It was like a volcano had exploded inside of her. She was fed up of being told that she wasn't good enough for her dreams to be an actress. And she was fed up of feeling insecure about her looks just because someone else was always told her that she wasn't good enough for that too.

I might not have won that day, but I'm not backing down now! I'm not losing to a woman that doesn't know her make up to her shoes!

Mimi straightened her back and took a deep breath. She composed herself, rubbing her hand a little from where she hit it. She looked at the others, noticing how worried they had seemed to be. She gave a small nod, telling them that she was okay. She glared at Dawn. That woman had set everything up. Mimi can't prove it, but she knew that she was right. Time to trip Dawn up on her own game. The problem was how. Mimi didn't have time to make a new section on the dress. So she'll have to try to improvise. She looked at the dress in front of her. Then she turned her head a little. She stared hard at the splatter. Turned her head a little more. Then an idea suddenly came to her head. She immediately reached for the black dye on her station. She flicked through different stencils in the binder before removing the ones that she saw potential in. Her hands worked fast. They were so fast that no one could keep up with what she was doing. All that they could piece together that she saw a way out of her situation.

"She's back in the game!" Pip cheered, jumping up before giving Candi a high five.

"And the glowing thing?" Sprout pointed out. Everyone else started to see it. Either Mimi didn't notice or she didn't want to be distracted but her clothes were glowing. The exact same way that Sprout's did when he got his new outfit. Even her face and hair (particularly where the dye hit it) were glowing a little.

"That's what happened to you yesterday, Sprout." Dude explained, the corners of his lips pulling up into a smile. Sprout ran on the spot before jumping up in excitement. Mimi could hear the exchange but she can't let herself get too distracted. She was almost done. She was thankful that the dye was fast drying, otherwise she would really be in trouble. As soon as her project was done, she pushed the stencils aside and looked over her work. She gave a satisfied nod. With three minutes left on the clock, Mimi hurried to dress her manikin. The Shadow Man scrambled to do the same. It seemed to have tried to make a dress too, but the stitching and the material was all over the place and started to fall apart. Dawn had to have known that she would lose this challenge too. That's probably why she tried to have sabotaged Mimi. If neither side got their design done in time, it would end in a draw. And even if Mimi had hers closer to being done, Dawn probably would've continued to play unfairly and choose her own minion as the winner.

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